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[RELEASE] SVT Play (Plugin) Video Addon - Sveriges Television (Swedish TV)
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I know that there's some scripts already that can play stuff but no one fitted me perfectly so here's an early, but still very well working version of my plugin.
nilzen Wrote:I know that there's some scripts already that can play stuff but no one fitted me perfectly so here's an early, but still very well working version of my plugin.

Is the XOT-Uzg version not good enough?
Basje Wrote:Is the XOT-Uzg version not good enough?

Yes the script for Svt works... But fr instance, when i used plex on my OSX (I don't like plex) the Svt plug in was perfect. The menu was the same as it was on their homepage.. This means, that you could for instance chose categories or just programs, or other features to fins the show you looking for. In the script today one has to go through the whole list to find the specific show. However, also want to say that the script is fine and all credit to the ones who made it. It would just be a little better if hey could change the menu to categories.
nilzen Wrote:I know that there's some scripts already that can play stuff but no one fitted me perfectly so here's an early, but still very well working version of my plugin.

I tried to find get he downloads for you svt plugin but I couldn't find it....Sad
Added a download now. It was just the source that was uploaded yesterday.

The reason i wrote this is exactly as stated before, the categories. And in the "Program A-Ö" listing I've also added the "parts" that are available under each program at, "Alla program" "Bakom kulisserna" etc etc.
Sweet! I've had the exact same thoughts as you nilzen, and actually started working on an plugin myself. Will check it out tonight!

I totaly agree, XOT is not the way to do it... and I personally prefer to have a separate plugin for each "channel"/source...
The reason i wrote this is exactly as stated before, the categories. And in the "Program A-Ö" listing I've also added the "parts" that are available under each program at, "Alla program" "Bakom kulisserna" etc etc.[/quote]

PERFECT, I really appreciate that someone else with skills tries to find a better way to solve or rather find a new way to use svt play. Yesterday when I watched a SVT documentary through the XOT it suddenly, after one hour of watching, disconnected and started from the beginning Sad... And you can imagine how easy it was to wind it forward 1 hour. :/)
I can't seem to get it to work. I receive the python script failed error message when I try to start it. Is the latest xmbc release required for it to work?
fillidill Wrote:I can't seem to get it to work. I receive the python script failed error message when I try to start it. Is the latest XBMC release required for it to work?

Please create a bug report at and I'll have a look at it. Remember to add the log file.
Manjola Wrote:Yesterday when I watched a SVT documentary through the XOT it suddenly, after one hour of watching, disconnected and started from the beginning Sad... And you can imagine how easy it was to wind it forward 1 hour. :/)
And what does playback has to do with a script? Nothing!
Looks very nice! Some more entities needs decoding, such as "... and parent folder navigation ".."

Planning to add "Rekommenderat, senaste program, senaste nyhetsprogram, mest sedda program", "senaste klipp, mest sedda klipp"? Can help you with some categories if you'd like. Just PM me...

edit; nevermind the parent folder navigation Smile.... was running a preview of alaska, probably skin related
Basje Wrote:And what does playback has to do with a script? Nothing!

Yes I know, didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I was just angry cause when I finally found the documentary I was looking for, it just stopped after one hour of watching and started from the beginning. I don't know if it was the connection or something else, the screen just went black and then the film started from the beginning.
Manjola Wrote:Yes I know, didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I was just angry cause when I finally found the documentary I was looking for, it just stopped after one hour of watching and started from the beginning. I don't know if it was the connection or something else, the screen just went black and then the film started from the beginning.

I know the feeling. It's just that for non-coding people it's hard to distinguish between a XBMC problem and a script problem.
Added paging for category programs. v1.1.1 available here
Great job! But it doesnt work on my win7 and Linux bux...
Error reported on line 16
Pneumatic | SABnzbd | XBMC that just works - openelec
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[RELEASE] SVT Play (Plugin) Video Addon - Sveriges Television (Swedish TV)8
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