Possible TV Show Poster Bug
Howdy All,

I've come across some stage behaviour when browsing TV Shows.

Im using XBMC for Windows 10.5.26600 with the new release version of the
showmix skin V2.5

If flattentvshows is on (1) which by default in the new release of XBMC is true.

Then if there is only a single season for a TV show, the TV Show season Poster will not be displayed in episode view.

If there are multiple seasons then it works fine and the correct season poster is displayed in episode view.

If i edit guisettings.xml and change flattentvshow to 0 then the season poster is displayed ok even if there is just one season (although you have to select season 1 which kind of misses the point of flattentvshows=1)

Obviously this is only a problem if the skin your using try's to show the season poster in episode view, which showmix does.

I've come access this bug being reported on the showmix forum and it has been stated that it might be a problem with the Container.SeasonThumb, in the xbmc skinning engine. The following link shows/describes the same issue.


I cant find any posts on the xbmc forum or bug tracker about this so i'm posting this here. I hope its the right place and am not repeating someone else's posts.


Many Many thanks to the whole XBMC community for a fantastic piece of software

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