Thumbnail cache issue?
I have my movies stored on a network drive, and have all my files neatly organised with the use of Ember. So in all movie folders, I have a poster.tbn etc.

But when I scroll the thumbnails in XBMC, it is clearly not handling it fast enough, when I scroll very fast it is taking some time to 'catch up' with the correct thumbnails, e.g., I see a lot of double posters of one movie, then when I stop scrolling they load correctly.

I have an Asrock ION 330 and my network should be fast enough. I use the showmix 2.5 skin. I heard the thumbnails get cached locally, but I don't think this happens properly if they need to catch up this way? I saw the scrolling at a friends place who has the exact same system/skin as me, he has his movies locally and the scrolling worked fine. Another friend has the same 'problem' as he also stores his movies on a network drive.

This should make it all clear:

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