Button for toggling views (zoom, custom, etc.) on a HTPC using WMC remote?
I just built a HTPC to replace my aging XBox. On the XBox, I could hit the "ok" button in the middle of the direction buttons, and it would cycle through the difference views (zoom, stretch, normal, custom, etc. as listed here - http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=Videos ).

Now I'm running XBMC 9.11 in Windows 7, using a Windows Media Center remote, but I haven't found a button that cycles through those views like the XBox version would.

I remember the skin on the XBox having a choice for multiple resolutions as well. One of the choices was something like "Best Available". Has that been phased out? I switched to that skin in 9.11 on the HTPC, but couldn't find that setting.

For reference, I'm using a 4:3 tv that supports 1080i via component. The connection to the tv is coming from an nvidia card, out it's custom svideo port via component cables. The picture looks very good in XBMC, and XBMC shows that it's at 1080i, but that seems to be the only resolution available. The only other option in the dropdown is Windowed I think.
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Button for toggling views (zoom, custom, etc.) on a HTPC using WMC remote?0
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