Getting off my arse for a Serenity update? Help needed!
Okay guys...

Through the good graces of one of my bandmates, I've managed to get my hands on a slammin' new system...I'm talking 4gb of ram, a core2quad processor clocked up to 3.4ghz, GTX260 video card, and the old triple-monitor display.

And I'm that I have a machine capable of handling anything I can throw at it, maybe I should get off my butt and really polish up Serenity.

But, I can't do it alone. I have a 2-year old boy running around the house all day, as well as a band that I sing for three days a week.

So I'm asking for a volunteer or two to help me out with this. Coding people would be the most helpful, but a designer is also not a bad idea. I'd like to first get the bugs worked out of the current incarnation, then think about moving forward with a refreshed design.

C'mon...who's comin' with me?
My gifts lie elsewhere, but I'd like to contribute a digital "high five" for the project. I really like this skin and I'd like to see it continue. Maybe a post in the general skinning forum or some PMs?
I'm kinda swamped with UMM right now and tons of actual work. But i'll help however I can, even if it's just testing. UMM's image handling is super configurable, so pretty much any images can be configured and output. (season fanart, episode fanart, wide images, etc. plus all the common ones that xbmc already uses, and of course the media images will be in there when i get back to the image side of the core of umm) .. i.e. dream it up and i'm sure we can make some even cooler stuff like the first gen of Serenity.
All I can offer is support, but looking forward to whatever you come up with!

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