TV Show Scrapers Cut off (attch. screenshot and log file)
Hi guys,

So far, I love XBMC. However, there is one thing that I would like to fix. For some reason, the tops and bottoms of my tvshows are being cut off.Image

At first, the image was being cut off on all sides. However, since then I indicted to xbmc that I prefer posters and now only the top and bottom seem affected. This is better than before, but is there anyway to fix my problem. From the screenshot, you should be able to get a pretty good idea what is going on.

I hope one of you will be able to help. It is probably something I am doing, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Screen shot

Quote:12:15:39 T:148 M:1422856192 NOTICE: Found mode: 1920x1080 @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343778816 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343668224 DEBUG: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner:Tonguerocess - Starting scan
12:15:52 T:2332 M:1343660032 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
12:15:52 T:2332 M:1343660032 DEBUG: Thread 2332 terminating
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343631360 DEBUG: Hash[tvshows,C:\Users\Sir Mizzle\Videos\TV Shows\]Big GrinB=[],Computed=[012B57F5FDF4319AE6DE81C1698742D9]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e01.mkv (s1e1) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e02.mkv (s1e2) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e03.mkv (s1e3) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e04.mkv (s1e4) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e05.mkv (s1e5) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e06.mkv (s1e6) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e07.mkv (s1e7) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e08.mkv (s1e8) [[Ss]([0-9]+)[\.-]?[Ee]([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
12:15:52 T:2520 M:1343504384 DEBUG: found episode based match c:\users\sir mizzle\videos\tv shows\babylon 5\season 1\b5.s01e09.mkv

Edit #2: I am running the Aeon skin at 1080p

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TV Show Scrapers Cut off (attch. screenshot and log file)0
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