[LINUX] Need help with CD ripping
I am trying to rip my audio CD and I created the button "RipCD" with code:
<control type="button" id="7">

The settings of the CD ripping are:

CDDA Rip Folder: /home/htpc/Music/Ripped
Track Naming Template: [%N.]%T - %A
Encoder: Lame
Quality: Constant Bit Rate
Bit Rate: 192 kbps

But when I push this button there is nothing happening.

Lame is OK - cdda2mp3 uses lame and ripped my CD excellently.
XBMC 9.11 r26018 (Compiled: Dec 24 2009)

I was trying to rip on 2 skins Project Maihem III & Confluence but RipCD button doesn't work in any of them.

Help me to find out what is the problem.

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