Found TV then lost TV
i download 9.04 repack 1 (i think) which worked great till i noticed a glitch with
just one show family guy season 3 anything after esp 4 is show but when clicked says file not found do you wanna remove so clicked ok and on next run its back but again wont play

I have done the following checked naming, fixed ip and mapped my NAS drives
so in frustion i download 9.11 camelot and hey presto works on my pc upstairs but downstairs pc

p4 2.6GHz 512MB Ati 9200SE 256MB AGP Win xp sp3 with dx 9.0c

only gives me a white screen after a problem with the scraper which i sorted checked loads of forums and ((Un official versionS)) which aint much cop
so ive gone back to 9.04 which still brings me to the orginal problem

any ideas if you need any extra info i can supply


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