2010-01-27, 21:51
Scraping stopped working for me this week, I have looked in the log files and there seems to be a problem with the scraper language:
The url it's trying to access doesn't have the language in it but just says /.zip at the end
The zip downloads fine if I paste the link and add the language in my browser.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem
20:35:32 T:3013593968 M:1440444416 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0xb5df0198) http://www.thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/80348/all/.zip
20:35:32 T:3013593968 M:1440325632 DEBUG: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
20:35:32 T:3013593968 M:1440325632 ERROR: CFileCurl::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
20:35:32 T:3013593968 M:1440325632 DEBUG: FileCurl::Close(0xb5df0198) http://www.thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/80348/all/.zip
20:35:32 T:3013593968 M:1440325632 ERROR: InternalGetEpisodeList: Unable to retrieve web site
20:35:32 T:3013593968 M:1440325632 DEBUG: Not adding item to library as no info was found :(
The url it's trying to access doesn't have the language in it but just says /.zip at the end
The zip downloads fine if I paste the link and add the language in my browser.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem