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[MOD] Confluence touch me!
  • change: Videofullscren (so, its better compatible with older xbmc builds aka 9.11). But changes are not 100% done.
  • delete: VideoOSD.xml its not needed anymore.
  • todo: MusicFullscreen (pause - problem with older xbmc´s) at the Moment you can delete the MusicOSD.xml from the Skin\Confluence\720p\ Folder.
    ore, addons\skin.confluence\720p

Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository

Again more,

Quote: change: Videofullscreen (so, its better compatible with older xbmc builds aka 9.11).


Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository

great skin! Could you maybe add a "Showcase" View like in "Aeon" with smaller folder icons, so that you can see more of the fanart? Would be awesome!
djtoll, you are a magician !!!!
Video screen is working the best it could be ! This is easier, simple and efficient !!!

Congratulations Big Grin
LoloMc² Wrote:djtoll, you are a magician !!!!
Video screen is working the best it could be ! This is easier, simple and efficient !!!

Congratulations Big Grin

David Copperfield´s Son Cool

Please let me know if there somewhere missing buttons are needed urgently.
Or similar.
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Hey djtoll Wink

Still not enough time to fully try it but :
#1 : I would like to request the same way with musicOSD that you made with videoOSD because it pauses the music actually Sad

#2 : I would like to have only one musicOSD menu instead of 2
#2b : If you do not want or if easier, I would prefer you add a checkbox in the setting screen that could disabled the second OSD menus in musicOSD to keep only one (honestly I do not change the visualisation type every day...)

#3 : In the picture viewer, I believe it would be easier if you add a new button "slideshow". Now that you explained me where it is, I know it but without your explanation, I would probably not found it Wink

#4 : I would recommend larger scrollbar when navigating in folders (30 px instead of 20)

#5 : Larger buttons in OSD menus as those are a little small for my 15'' display
#5b : maybe a checkbox in the setting screen with "larger controls" would be possible ?

#6 : THE most difficult and maybe impossible to do : a new button on every music/flac/mp3 file that would enqueue when pressed. Or a different mode : when you select this mode, clicking on a song will enqueue it instead of playing it immidiately

But these are only suggestions, ok Wink (while #1 is very important for me Wink)

at the Moment you can delete the MusicOSD.xml from the Skin\Confluence\720p\
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
me being stupid. Ignore!
djtoll Wrote:at the Moment you can delete the MusicOSD.xml from the Skin\Confluence\720p\

It works well thanks Wink

  • add: new Test View "FANART 2" - only Music´s Navigation only 1 item
  • changed: "Wheel" View (now with more Informations and Ghost Buttons) Navigation only 1 item

Ghost Buttons "Wheel View"



new Test View "FANART 2"

Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Hey, I'm really keen to try your skin out but I'm getting:
Quote:Incompatible skin. We require skins of version 2.10 or higher

This is by extracting Mod24 with :
Quote:RAR 3.93 Copyright © 1993-2010 Alexander Roshal 15 Mar 2010 Shareware version

I'm guessing something is wrong with my extraction. Here is what the directory looks like
Quote:[brendan@holm Downloads]$ ls Confluence\ touch\ me\!
720p confluence_touch_me_by_djtoll_2010.png folder.jpg media

This is XBMC R28256 running on Linux/Ubuntu 9.10.
lordmozilla Wrote:Hey, I'm really keen to try your skin out but I'm getting:

This is by extracting Mod24 with :

I'm guessing something is wrong with my extraction. Here is what the directory looks like

This is XBMC R28256 running on Linux/Ubuntu 9.10.

I think since this is technically a mod of the confluence skin you need all the confluence files first, and then put the 'Touch me!' files into that folder to add/overwrite the ones you need. This has been how I've gotten it to work. I just copied the regular Confluence skin folder and then renamed it 'Confluence Touch Me' so I could switch back in case something went wrong.
robweber Wrote:I think since this is technically a mod of the confluence skin you need all the confluence files first, and then put the 'Touch me!' files into that folder to add/overwrite the ones you need. This has been how I've gotten it to work. I just copied the regular Confluence skin folder and then renamed it 'Confluence Touch Me' so I could switch back in case something went wrong.

That was it! Thanks alot for explaining it clearly! Cool

Maybe some small readme file could be shipped with the confluence touch?

As for the skin, it's ok, on my small 7" joggler screen it's still a little hard to hit the buttons. However it's definately moving in the right direction and showing plenty of potential! Nice work! Just a few remarks:

- The standalone player is of suprisingly bad quality (especially the fonts). This is weird because on my 800x480px screen I expected everything to be real high quality.

- Also there seems to be two different versions of the music control bar. They seem to both swap between one another all the time? Eek This could be something to do with me not using it correctly...

- Lastly could we get a volume slider instead of buttons? Pressing a touch button repeatedly is just horrible.
between two different...

djtoll Wrote:at the Moment you can delete the MusicOSD.xml from the Skin\Confluence\720p\

Volume Slider ? must Check this one Rofl

Quote:The standalone player is of suprisingly bad quality (especially the fonts)
You can delete this 2 Lines at first, in the Dokument - PlayerControls.xml

<animation effect="zoom" start="90" end="150-" center="auto" time="10">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="zoom" start="150" end="110" center="auto" time="10">WindowClose</animation>

Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
djtoll Wrote:between two different...

Volume Slider ? must Check this one Rofl

You can delete this 2 Lines at first, in the Dokument - PlayerControls.xml

<animation effect="zoom" start="90" end="150-" center="auto" time="10">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="zoom" start="150" end="110" center="auto" time="10">WindowClose</animation>


Thanks alot!

Now it's really getting to how I would like it. Great work!
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