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[MOD] Confluence touch me!
djtoll Wrote:THX,
can I install this "W7 flicks gesture" with other hardware ? without ACER T230h ? have you a Link for more informations ?

Not sure what OS your using but i believe this is a built in feature on windows vista and windows 7 providing of course you have a touch screen monitor or a pen tablet plugged in via USB.

Found this info on it if it helps.

djtoll Wrote:Hi,

i have the same problem with my joggler (ubuntu) but i´m not resolved it.


This tutorial says it is possible with Openbox. Im total nob with linux and I don´t understand the way´s in this tutorial.

Finally I put XBMC in Windowed mode and Windowed resolution (system -> System -> Video output -> Display mode : Windowed, resolution : Windowed) I can use the touch screen to emulate the mouse.

But now it seems that it doesn't recognize the new Skin... (but I also had problems by updating xbmc from the ppa).
Hi All,

The above Linux problem is the same issue I have and have had since late last year.... it has been posted a few times.....


The last post references a ticket


Where patches exist... the only way I got around it was to download the source, apply the patches, and compile....

Not ideal, but it works, but it is pain so I only update XBMC every now and again..


Thanks for your info. I'm cursed with a LG1730SF touchscreen and need to use evtouch and XBMC in windowed mode to get the touchscreen to work.

Followed your link to the trac, but there are quite a few files. I'm unsure which files to use and how to patch. Would you help me with a few lines of how you do the uninst, download, patch & install.

Thank you very much!

Oh, and also: To whoever made the "Confluence Touch Me" THANKS!!!
Does any of you guys know how to make the scrollbars wider?
mlgim Wrote:...Oh, and also: To whoever made the "Confluence Touch Me" THANKS!!!
Thanks to Djtoll Wink He made an amazing work... Especially with picture viewer

mlgim Wrote:Does any of you guys know how to make the scrollbars wider?
Extract from an old post :
Quote:in the includes.xml file :

<include name="AllViewCommonPageControls">
<control type="scrollbar" id="60">


Thanks for the info - had hoped to find the setting in the orginal Confluence skin, but the file mentioned isn't in this skin (yes I'm lazy, I know Blush).

So, I'll have to compile myself ('caus I really would like a better touch skin, and I currerntly run XBMC in windowed mode to enable me to use the touchscreen (and manipulate the X-Y-axis using evtouch)), and I cannot use "Confluence Touch Me" skin in windowed mode.

The link to the patches show several files. Probably a stupid question, but which ones should I use - just the fakefullscreen_adv_setting_20100426.diff?

If someone has made a note of how to remove xbmc, download (which source tree), build and install using this patch (fakefullscreen), I'd be most grateful.

Thanks in advance
UPDATE (MOD-041) :
* FIX - Some Buttons on the ShutdownMenu are not working correctly with the new ADD-ONS management.

Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository

Can you use the Confluence Touch Me skin in windowed mode? Didn't seem to work for me.

mlgim Wrote:Hi

Can you use the Confluence Touch Me skin in windowed mode? Didn't seem to work for me.

It is not a Skin! only MOD Files... must replace the files in your Skin Folder. Window mode works fine by Me.

UPDATE (MOD-048) :
*ADD: Alternate Home View - "PANEL" (you can change it with Skin-settings ore with the Button @ Home)

More screens here


greetz djtoll
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Hi, I need Help

want to use Artist Thumb/Cover from the database Artists. Needed to the Visualization.

this not exsist on the wiki "Images Available in XBMC"

Currently it works with

<texture background="true">$INFO[Player.Folderpath]../artist.jpg</texture>

but all User must put a image in the root Artist Music Folder.


Thanks djtoll
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Anyone a Idea ? Rolleyes
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository

This MOD is now available as Skins (yes 2) vers. 0.54 Link REPO
  • "Confluence Touch ME"
  • "Joggler"

- Joggler edition is a skin with resized Pics. (more Performance for the O2 Joggler)

New: List Views can changed to BIG LIST´s bottom right (screenshot)


Downloads - in my signature "djtoll's Add-On Repository"
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
djtoll Wrote:Hi,

This MOD is now available as Skins (yes 2) vers. 0.54 Link REPO
  • "Confluence Touch ME"
  • "Joggler"

- Joggler edition is a skin with resized Pics. (more Performance for the O2 Joggler)

New: List Views can changed to BIG LIST´s bottom right (screenshot)


Downloads - in my signature "djtoll's Add-On Repository"

That's awesome work!

Now I have to get my joggler on meego this weekend and try this out :-)

What xbmc build are you using on the joggler with this skin?
HTPC : Acer Revo R3600 / 2GB PC6400 / 2x500GB Samsung 2.5" SATAII / Roland UA1-EX
Software : Arch linux / LUKS / Openbox / xbmc-svn


I have installed xbmc with this tutorial Ubuntu – XBMC SVN – Daily Builds 2 days ago (svn 326xx). Joggler is just not within reach. But samba do not work Sad
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository

I'm trying to install this skin onto my Joggler but having no luck - the files have been put onto the existing confluence directory and saw no difference, and also tried making a new confluence touch directory, but it doesn't appear in the list of skins. I've recently updated the xbmc and the bit where you choose the skins is different - it brings up a new window instead of just selecting the up/down arrows so do I need to install it differently?
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