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[MOD] Confluence touch me!
How does the touch screen interface to the O2 joggler? I know that it can be wired or wireless, but do you install XBMC on the device?

It's OS is reunning 2.6.24-19.37 lpia kernel. The reason for these questions is I have a 7" Eken andorid table with ubuntu 2.6.29 running. The XBMC andorid remote works great with my multiple htpc's wireless, but to have a touch screen instead of the no backlit remotes would be a good thing I would imagine.

So, I want to try this out, how do I go about it. I found no installation intructions, I am running the XBMC DAH3 on my test htpc and I have installed wTouch, but I haven't had time to look at it yet.

EDIT: I have tried wTouch Web Interface but it is nothing like this one. I want this one, so I installed it from the addon screen selecting zip install. So now what? http://ip_address:8080/

Sorry for all the questions, but this looks interesting. Great job by the way, has me excited, already looked at the price for a Joggler and they are <100 it seems.
Everything about JOGGLER we continue here http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=84175

greetz djtoll
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
speed32219 Wrote:How does the touch screen interface to the O2 joggler? I know that it can be wired or wireless, but do you install XBMC on the device?

It's OS is reunning 2.6.24-19.37 lpia kernel. The reason for these questions is I have a 7" Eken andorid table with ubuntu 2.6.29 running. The XBMC andorid remote works great with my multiple htpc's wireless, but to have a touch screen instead of the no backlit remotes would be a good thing I would imagine.

So, I want to try this out, how do I go about it. I found no installation intructions, I am running the XBMC DAH3 on my test htpc and I have installed wTouch, but I haven't had time to look at it yet.

EDIT: I have tried wTouch Web Interface but it is nothing like this one. I want this one, so I installed it from the addon screen selecting zip install. So now what? http://ip_address:8080/

Sorry for all the questions, but this looks interesting. Great job by the way, has me excited, already looked at the price for a Joggler and they are <100 it seems.

I have not looked to have risen around 60 € for me this Joggler.

I installed ubuntu after that tutorial. http://www.madeo.co.uk/?p=470

and xbmc then this:
ppa: team-xbmc-svn/ppa
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Am loving your skin, in fact just bought a small touchscreen to use with it Smile

One thing though, is there anyway to add a music video tab along with the TV and Movies ones as I prefer to keep them seperate...

Cheers Smile
marillionkb5 Wrote:Am loving your skin, in fact just bought a small touchscreen to use with it Smile

One thing though, is there anyway to add a music video tab along with the TV and Movies ones as I prefer to keep them seperate...

Cheers Smile

Where will you adding this button ? at Home ? Witch Skin? JOGGLER ore CONFLUENCE TOUCHE ME!
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Your touch skin sounds too promising! I have a 8" touchpad (800x600) and I cannot use xbmc without the mouse nearby..

Sadly I can't get it to work. I installed a daily build on Windows XP and copied the contents of your .rar file into the folder skin.confluence. Nothing! Sad Out of curiosity I renamed the skin.confluence folder to skin.confluence_ and started xbmc and it came right up with the confluence skin. Has anything changed or am I missing something?
OK, figured, I could install your repository from zip and there I go! Cool, thx for that, looks very good. It's a bit fiddly though on this tiny screen.. Bad thing is, for some reason I cannot get the touchscreen to allow me to touch the very ends of the screen yet, so I still need a mouse to pull out some of the menus. I will have to see how to better adjust the touch surface.
@ atom - for your 8 "Touch Pad (800x600), I recommend the skin.Jogggler, even from my REPO.

I have no problems with the ends (O2 Joggler, ubuntu), can you calibrate your toch-settings better ?
Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Thx for the hint, tried it and it looks very good! Thx for the skins, toller DJ!

I have the correct driver for the touchscreen installed and the calibration tool is supposed to display crosses I have to hit. It does in fact only show me one cross again and again, endlessly. I haven't figured out yet, what's wrong. Also in the driver there is some edge compensation feature, which I will play around with. I tried installing the touchscreen under ubuntu but gave up after following unfinished howtos for 2 hours. Now this jukebox is running XP but this it does rather well so far, so I will leave it at that..
Digby Dude Wrote:Hey djtoll,

I have just installed this (MOD 36) and have to say I am really liking it !!! I have been using virtualhours TouchMe! for the last 6 months, but as it has a couple of annoying bugs that look like they won't be fixed I started to look for alternatives.... this is great !!!

I am running it on Linux on an 8" touchscreen embedded in the wall of my dining room... and it looks sweet with this skin...

Thanks !


Your in-wall 8" touch screen, what version of linux is it running? Is it a tablet and if so how much memory does it have?

I'm having a hard time understanding how this works. I guess I install linux only on my 7" andorid tablet (remove android OS), then install xbmc and run Confluence with this skin update if the tablet will handle it. So when I watch a movie, it will be running on both deivces?
djtoll Wrote:Where will you adding this button ? at Home ? Witch Skin? JOGGLER ore CONFLUENCE TOUCHE ME!

Doh - sorry Smile

Would like to add it on the home screen on Confluence Touch Me Smile

Basically so I could have Movies, TV Shows, Music & Music Video accessable from that screen Smile - would make it perfect....

Add a Folder custom folder with your Music Videos to FAVORITES

and look at the pictures Guide.

Download - djtoll's Add-On Repository / Add-Ons > Install from ZIP / Get Add-ons > Djtoll's Repository
Lovely, thanks.

Will give it a go tonight Smile
Sorry, been a bit busy ! :-)

Worked perfectly, thanks for that !
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