Video Diagnostic Screen
(2016-05-17, 20:16)Drag0nFly Wrote: ....I frequently use the OSD to check cpu usage, video/audio bitrate, fps, and video buffering.
I was hoping this was due to a missing config option!

+1 (+1, +1, +1 !!)

I feel your pain Drag0nFly - I too am constantly curious about the technical specs of what Kodi is presently playing. Partly to evaluate how well upscaling of lower-res sources is doing, and partly to understand the nature of the audio stream (and thus to tinker with AVR settings).

And recently, real-time CPU usage is of interest when the poor little Sandy Bridge NUC is decoding HEVC !

To The Coding Gurus:
With the move to Krypton and beyond... is there any way to call up these old familiar parameters ? A script perhaps, with corresponding button press on the remote (...just like the Goode Olde Days Huh ) Please, please, please Nod

Thanks for taking a moment to consider it.
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Hello all,

I'm new to this forum. I'm wondering if there is a way to pro-grammatically get the codecinfo using either JSON-RPC or something else. I'm having video tearing and jitter issues and right now I press 'o' to get the OSD but again I would like to write to a log.

Please shed some light.


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