Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Small correction to be made.

great manual, many things very well explained, and most are easy to find. small correction in the my programs section, it threw me for a bit of a loop. in the section explaining how the default tag works :


the use of the <default></default> tags you see on at the beginning of the "my programs“ shares is a way of setting a default bookmark to be opened with the need for you to select it manually."

this should read "....without the need for you to select it manually"

r. :evil:
fixed, but you could very well have done it yourself, that´s the beauty of wikis :p
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didn't know that! will do so next time if i happen to find anything else.

thanks for the clarification,
r. :evil:

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