Need some help a bit confused
im in a bit of a bumfuzzled state of mind here...i got a number of questions but ill keep um down to jsut the important ones...

1.why cant i go to download movie trailers? do i get the thumb nails for my albums and movies programs games show up?

3. why is counter strike the only game showing up on my xlinks list of games?? i dont have counter strike on my xbox hdd nor my pc hdd how does it know i have it? do i get the whole tv tunner thing to work...ive downloaded the file...where do i put it?

im sorry for these lammer noobie questions but im really confused...and i ould really appriciate a little of your time to help me out here!!

if you know of a faqs that will answer all these questions! please link me!
thanks for you time!

p.s.i noticed on the quick guide i fallowed to install this wounderful program, that one of the games is killer instinct??im not asking where to get it...but is there a way to play arcade roms online through the xbox!? and i noticed manhunt was in the game list on the quick guide...can you infact play it online as well somehow??

thanks again
none of your questions are related to kai (as afar as i can see). only your p.s. kinda. but i gonna move this into the general help anyway.

please search the forum, read the online manual, post in the right thread and try to deal with one issue at a time in a thread.
read the xbmc online-manual, faq and search the forums before posting! do not e-mail the xbmc-team asking for support!
read/follow the forum rules! note! team-xbmc never have and never will host or distribute ms-xdk binaries/executables!

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Need some help a bit confused0