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First of all, I know it is asked to post a debug log, and I will do once I get home from work, but right now I've got 10 minutes to spare and figured I would see if anyone can figure out the problem without that - the log will come later!

So pretty new to XBMC, and have put it on an old xbox I picked up for £14 after hearing about what it could do.

I seem to have my network share more or less working, but I can't scrape any info about my films.

Each film is it its own directory and all labeled correctly as far as I'm aware.

Because I couldn't get the info to work, I used Ember media manager on my laptop and then got the info files, fanart posters and everything that way so now I have all the info in each folder.

And yet still XBMC won't seem to load it, still says 'Not Available' when I click the info button on the remote.

It seems like it could be similar to this problem:

Any thoughts?

Thanks, and again I appreciate that not having a debug file makes the job very difficult!

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