Free disk space display
i've been tinkering with the idea of using xbmc as my main dash now instead of evox, mainly due to xbmc's more liberal skinning style (dang rotating evolutionx logo) i was wondering if there was a way to calculate and display the free disk space in the skin. could i create a control that has dynamic text capabilities that could be incorporated in some way with a python script? any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
not possible currently.

i agree that some of the controls (such as those on the system info screen) should be made somewhat global.

as you can realize, it's not a major focus for us. we are a media center, after all.

feel free to look into the code and make the changes you need. the easiest way to do it would be to define the control ids for the settings you need as global, and put the implementation to render them in a place accessible from all windows.

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