"No Artist Information Available" won't go away
HI folks,

I'm looking for a solution to how to get the "No Artist Info Avaliable" "No Artist Biography available" message off screens that have artist info. It leaves the "No Info Available" message in the box underneath the actual artist info making it super hard to read ....

any thoughts on this .....

your going to have to screenshot it for me so I can tell exactly where
I'm not at home right now but i'll send you one when i get in later ... but .. it seems to be in info list view only ... info looks good everywhere else ... when I'm in any sort of artist view I get stuck with "no biography avalable" message underneath everything...

i'll take a screen cap as soon as I get home
thanks for the help
probably not related, but in ArtistFanartView_Extras:
ListItem.Property(Description) -> ListItem.Property(Artist_Description)
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ok .... where would i find that .... in the XML .... if so which XML?? Where is it .... what file ?? what directory Huh
coacharnold Wrote:ok .... where would i find that .... in the XML .... if so which XML?? Where is it .... what file ?? what directory Huh

it's already fixed in svn:
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Ok GREAT ... thats a start ... now ..... where is that fileHuh I'm looking at the PMIII folder right now ... and there is no viewsmusiclibrary.xml where do i go Huh

I really like the PMIII its the easiest to read on a TV screen from a distance ... so its worth it for me figuring this part out ....

i see...i was pointing out an issue in PM3.HD, but since you're using Project Mayhem III it's not related to yours. ;-)
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ronie Wrote:i see...i was pointing out an issue in PM3.HD, but since you're using Project Mayhem III it's not related to yours. ;-)

I fixed that one too in its svn https://xboxmediacenter.svn.sourceforge....Mayhem III
Thats great ....now ... can i have a link that works??
and an explinatioon where exactly i find this??
found link .... still no idea where the XML is ....

This is getting pretty bad .... I know more than my share of how to do this ... but this is a pretty bad guessing game .... if this is so easy why can't someone just give me the PATH to where the xml is and what the change is

click on the "text changed" bit down the bottom next to the files
ok cool link works .... and the new file removes the "Biography" / artist info view...

is this the solutionHuh
..... get rid of artist info altogether? .... how does xml call the artist info? I'll try to make it work....

seriously ... that artist info piece and the fact that the font is readable from the couch make this the most usable skin......
Hello all, first time poster here, long time XBMC user.

I just want to confirm that I tried the above fixes and they didn't seem to work, instead they remove the Media Info view as a whole.

The problem is in the music library on the Media Info view in Project Mayhem III. At the bottom of the screen "Biography - Not Available" persists/overlaps with the artist biography.

If anyone knows how to fix this, would be much appreciated.

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