[WINDOWS] no custom skins with the svn version?

i downloaded a svn version of xbmc with dsplayer and json-rpc support.
in C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\skin i extracted the aeon folder.

in xbmc i can not activate the skin.

what i´m doing wrong?

or is the skin function disabled by default in svn versions?
Skins are add-ons now and dont go in the skins folder.

Go to addon and look at the Confluence skin in there. Its labeled skin.Confluence. There are a couple of .xml files in there that old skin dont have. description.xml and addon.xml. Copy them from confluence into your skin. Change the lines that need to be changed in them to fit your skin.
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[WINDOWS] no custom skins with the svn version?0
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