scraper (romanian) for testing and feedback
I'm new here on the forum and I want to share with you my very first scraper.
It take his data from :
- translated title (in romanian if there is one)
- year
- runtime
- director(s)
- writer(s)
- genre(s)
- actors
- synopsis
- thumbs from cinemarx or TMDB
- fanart from TMDB,
for user rating and studio I have used a search on IMDB (the rating on cinemarx is made with jscript and the studio it is not always present).
I hope you will find it usefull.

Take it from here - cinemarx scraper
Thanks for making this. I tried it (replaced the tmdb scraper) but it didn't work (the server is not available error). Are you gonna update this for the new addon system ?

LE: I tried it with 9.11 and it works. But for some movies it didn't get the cover. Can you make it so that by befault get the covers and the fanart from the moviedb ?
Thank you for your replay.
I made the change that you have requested (made tmdb default also for covers - link in my first post).
The reason for not founding some covers from cinemarx is that i conditioned to download only those available in high-res (in link for that covers appairs the word highres, the scrapper download only those).
I don't know what you mean by the "new addon system"?
Scrapers are now considered addons (in nightlies, at least). Details here.
@ &ray: Recently, Ember Media Manager introduced a feature (using custom scrapers), kinda similar to xbmc, (addons section of EMM) ... Maybe you take a look and submit your scraper to EMM website. It will be nice to have some romanian scrapers available (in xbmc and/or EMM)
I have finished the scraper for and also for There are two versions for camelot 9.11 and for darma build with the new addon system.
I don't know what are the rules or steps for uploading this to the source code (I never used the trac or the git) i need a little guidance.
The link for download is here -- romanian-scrapers
I'll wait for your feedback.
Ray (o should i say Andrei Csaba Erdei ) thanks for your hard work . but it seems that both the and scrapers aren't working anymore .
The scraper hasn't been working since last year but worked until recently when cinemagia changed their layout.
Hope you can update/fix them whenever you have time .
I also have a small request for you the could you make the movie rating to be from imdb instead of cinemagia only just like the TheMoviedb addon Smile

PS: Mulțumesc pentru toată munca depusă .
Thank you for your feedback rame.
I will try to fix both scappers soon as possible.

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