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[RELEASE] SABnzbd+ (Programs) Plugin - Manage SABnzbd and search for files from XBMC
kricker Wrote:Are you setting the favorite from the initial listing or from within the screen you want to make a favorite?

I'm doing it from the listing--Pressing C for context menu while highlighting que, selecting "Add to favourites". how do you do it from within the screen?
I am trying to set up the plugin with a remote SABNZB server (running 0.5.3).
It is using HTTPS on port 9090. There is not access to this server over straight HTTP. Is the plugin compatible with HTTPS? I cannot seem to get it to talk to the server even though I have manually verified all settings by editing the associated XML files, etc.


I can confirm that if I turn off HTTPS on the SAB server, leaving all other settings the same I *can* access the server via the XBMC plugin and submit downloads with success.

Any ideas on if/why HTTPS will not work? (Note: the certificate in use is just one generated on the server for SAB, it is not issue by a trusted authority).



dredge999 Wrote:I am trying to set up the plugin with a remote SABNZB server (running 0.5.3).
It is using HTTPS on port 9090. There is not access to this server over straight HTTP. Is the plugin compatible with HTTPS? I cannot seem to get it to talk to the server even though I have manually verified all settings by editing the associated XML files, etc.


Your doing it like I did it. It doesn't make the favorite properly from within the screen that is why I was checking.

I don't know about the https. Yet something else to look into.
Is it possible to view the history of what i've downloaded with this plugin. That would be great!
drunkendragon Wrote:Is it possible to view the history of what i've downloaded with this plugin. That would be great!

SAB has its own RSS of the history

(see here)

You could probably add this to the custom feeds of the plugin, or just read it with some rss reader, though I don't know if there is a good rss reader for xbmc.
branlr Wrote:SAB has its own RSS of the history

(see here)

You could probably add this to the custom feeds of the plugin, or just read it with some rss reader, though I don't know if there is a good rss reader for xbmc.

Why didn't I think of that? Thanks!
UPDATE: "Failed to parse the rss feed" Bummer!
drunkendragon Wrote:Why didn't I think of that? Thanks!
UPDATE: "Failed to parse the rss feed" Bummer!

Lame. I just submitted a request for a dramatically better rss reader plugin for XBMC. Maybe that will help.
I'm going to look into adding it into the add-on. I've thought about being able to check the history as well.
i don't know why but when i do a search with "nzbindex", i get lousy search results. did u limit the retention?
nzbindex offers advanced search options, which i always use, like "show only complete posts" and "minsize"/"maxsize" to get better search results. any chance to implement them to the plugin?

marv_el Wrote:i don't know why but when i do a search with "nzbindex", i get lousy search results. did u limit the retention?
nzbindex offers advanced search options, which i always use, like "show only complete posts" and "minsize"/"maxsize" to get better search results. any chance to implement them to the plugin?


You know, I've never had a problem when I actually search, but it reminds me..

The RSS feeds tend to not be terribly useful, because it displays stuff that was RECENTLY POSTED rather than RECENTLY AIRED or RELEASED.

People post all sorts of random stuff all the time--would be nice if we could somehow generate a feed of say, movies containing 2009 and 2010 in the title, though I don't know how you would do the equivalent with TV.

Just a thought. Anyone else feel like for all of the feeds available, they really aren't worth browsing?
In the past I found nzbindex to be quite useless. I only left it in since it was in the original. To be honest I never even looked at what feed it uses. If what I am looking for is not on the big "3", I don't even bother.


That is the URL nzbindex uses. If someone wants to do the leg work in finding a better URL to use, I'll gladly put it in.
kricker Wrote:I'm going to look into adding it into the add-on. I've thought about being able to check the history as well.

That would be great kricker! Thanks for the effort!
kricker Wrote:In the past I found nzbindex to be quite useless. I only left it in since it was in the original. To be honest I never even looked at what feed it uses. If what I am looking for is not on the big "3", I don't even bother.


That is the URL nzbindex uses. If someone wants to do the leg work in finding a better URL to use, I'll gladly put it in.

Having installed Sabnzbd, SickBeard, CouchPotato+imdb Plugin and the Sabnzbd Plugin there's one big piece missing....finding media. I have most of the big name movies and need to search using things like user ratings,year,actors, etc. to find things to add to my collection. From the little searching I did there doesn't appear to be any API's that allow parameter based searches on theMoveDB or IMDB. The CouchPotato IMDB interface works but the search function on the IMDB menu doesn't seem to find anything. Entering a simple search like Year between 1980 and 2010 and rating between 8 and 10 returned 0 results.

A quick review of theMovieDB API looked like you can only pull out info for one movie at a time either by title of IMDB number. I'm sure the owner could add searches but he's most likely afraid of getting too many hits and crashing the server. My solution so far has been to use things like Netflix top 250 and google searches like "Best 100 movies ever" , creating a text list then looking them up on IMDB and if the description looks like something I'd like to watch, use the CouchPotato plugin to add them or add them directly from NZBMatrix.
Mythbuntu doesn't need viruses - we have Sudo
newzbin i can not use, I think there is a problem in the software.
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[RELEASE] SABnzbd+ (Programs) Plugin - Manage SABnzbd and search for files from XBMC4
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