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Morbeas Wrote:How can I have the skin show the actual IMDB rating number instead of stars?

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Is this really difficult to implement? Sad
I would just like the now playing live thumbnail to be there more, most importantly always visible in the home menu.

Apart from that, awesome skin!
Loving this skin so much! Is there any way you could enable weather fanart based on current conditions on the main screen? I'm not positive, but it seems to work when in the weather view, but not on the home screen.

Would also like the ability to move rss news to the bottom of the screen.
First off, great skin! I just set it up two nights ago and I am loving it. My one request is can you provide an option to move the notification? When I receive a call on my cell phone and the screen pauses, the pause bar covers up the notification and I can't see who is calling. I know other skins had the notification in the center of the screen...the option to change locations would be very nice. Thanks!
Hi Igotdvds

First up love the skin! just got my xbmc up and running and this skin is just what I wanted.

A couple of things I would love to see.

First up an option to have fanart as the background in tv shows. I'm using tri banner which is great but would love to have some fanart behind it.

So something like this maybe.


Another one is that when using the fanart view in movies. With some skins basic info about the movie will appear if you leave the one movie selected for a few seconds or if you press up it will also display. As shown here in Aeon.


The last thing is with the episode view in tv shows if you could incorporate a view type like the low list view in Aeon that would be awesome.


Thanks heaps for all your work you've put into this skin and catering to our whining!

Song Playing Screen First Impressions
1. Weak Clock
2. CD/Envelope Playing Animation MegaStandout


Otherwise Ok. Maybe the status bar portion a tad smaller too Smile

You'd like a bigger clock only for music vizualisation or you'd like a bigger clock for the whole skin?

For the animated CD... you can press "i" (info) and the CD and all the info will disappear and leave you only with the animated background. Or you need the info?
any plans to implement artist logos?
CPU:- AMD FX 4100 Motherboard: Gigabyte 78LMT-S2 RAM:-4GB Graphics: AMD HD 7750 1GB DDR5 PSU: IBALL 500W Display: DELL S2240M Storage: 1TB
(2012-06-19, 18:03)bandelguy Wrote: any plans to implement artist logos?

Yes indeed. I'm coding that now, so in the next week probably. Smile
Well, faster to code than expected. I should push a release before friday with artist Logo support on some of the views and music visualisation.

You'll have to teach me how to download all the artist logo automatically though! Wink

Some examples :
This one was already coded... thanks to Simplicity code from igotdvds:
screenshot086 par Borghor, sur Flickr

screenshot087 par Borghor, sur Flickr

screenshot088 par Borghor, sur Flickr
(2012-06-19, 16:21)Balinus Wrote: You'd like a bigger clock only for music vizualisation or you'd like a bigger clock for the whole skin?

For the animated CD... you can press "i" (info) and the CD and all the info will disappear and leave you only with the animated background. Or you need the info?

B, thanks for your reply. I had a thought that you could keep this particular screen exactly like it is. But perhaps develop an alternative "minimalist" song screen that would have all info-clock-art-statusbar items along the bottom 5th of the screen? Then that alt-minimalist song screen would just become an option to select in the skin settings.
As for the clock, its ok. Font makes it seem added-on to me.
As for i for info, I like the info along with the song being played Smile

[b]@balinus[b]:i guess you need cdart manager to download cdarts, logos and extra fanart
CPU:- AMD FX 4100 Motherboard: Gigabyte 78LMT-S2 RAM:-4GB Graphics: AMD HD 7750 1GB DDR5 PSU: IBALL 500W Display: DELL S2240M Storage: 1TB
(2012-06-20, 06:11)bandelguy Wrote: [b]@balinus[b]:i guess you need cdart manager to download cdarts, logos and extra fanart

yes indeed. Just found out about that. I don't use XBMC for music, so I'm not 100% sure about the usual way that people use XBMC for it. I've downloaded some logo through cdart manager and developed 2 new view centered on Artist Logo...

screenshot090 par Borghor, sur Flickr

screenshot089 par Borghor, sur Flickr

(2012-06-19, 22:57)Bunto Skiffler Wrote:
(2012-06-19, 16:21)Balinus Wrote: You'd like a bigger clock only for music vizualisation or you'd like a bigger clock for the whole skin?

For the animated CD... you can press "i" (info) and the CD and all the info will disappear and leave you only with the animated background. Or you need the info?

B, thanks for your reply. I had a thought that you could keep this particular screen exactly like it is. But perhaps develop an alternative "minimalist" song screen that would have all info-clock-art-statusbar items along the bottom 5th of the screen? Then that alt-minimalist song screen would just become an option to select in the skin settings.
As for the clock, its ok. Font makes it seem added-on to me.
As for i for info, I like the info along with the song being played Smile


yes that might be an idea. I'll look into that, but dont expect a new view before 4-5 weeks as I'm going on vacation... Smile
ok, got more time than expected... here's a minimalist view that can be setted in Skin Settings...

2.7.1 is now released and contains there modifications and support for Artist Logo.

screenshot092 par Borghor, sur Flickr

screenshot091 par Borghor, sur Flickr
(2012-06-20, 16:34)Balinus Wrote: yes that might be an idea. I'll look into that, but dont expect a new view before 4-5 weeks as I'm going on vacation... Smile

B, thx and enjoy.
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