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hey.i just saw this skin and is really good.i use nox.but i want too use a new skin.
but when i check for a new skin i always look for suport for medata actors script

can you add this?

and maybe a refresh button in featured movies in home screen?

and maybe a trailer buton in the same featured movies in home screen

Thanks for your feedback. I was actually planning to add metadata actor support in Movie and TV Show information screen. That will be the next "big" feature.

A refresh button and a trailer button might be interesting. I'll need to change some things though, but that should be easy.
thx man.then this is my skin from now on.refresh buton in feature and trailer buton in feature and recent added movie and md actor script will b amazing new feature.thx man
No problem. This will take some time though. I'm finishing my PhD in the next weeks, so free time is not much available. So, maybe around mid-october, depending on the time it takes to implement it correctly.
thats ok.but dont forget itSmile
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