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vanMiez Wrote:hard work but with the best result i have seen so far...

another sing i have thought about, just a idea:

if you're browsing your film collection it would be a great thing that, if there is an album with the same name in the music db and wich genre is "soundtrack" , there is a little soundtrack button (mini albumart?) wich will play this album in background :-)

probably very hard work, but perhaps similar to the implemetation of trailers in other skins - but with that you would be the first and finally the greatest ;-)

btw i use the welo view

so what do you think?

I've never seen something like that implemented. Interesting concept though. The problem might be that the soundtrack would have to be in the same folder or named the same as the movie folder or there would be no way to point to it.
To learn more, click here.
and another one
the discnumber in the album art would be very cool and shouldn't destroy the nice look at all... a good additional information even more you have many compilations or double albums
igotdvds Wrote:I've never seen something like that implemented. Interesting concept though. The problem might be that the soundtrack would have to be in the same folder or named the same as the movie folder or there would be no way to point to it.

shouldn't be any problem cause embermm names the movie folders:
moviename (year)\
and thats also the case in my music db:
albumname (year)\
and if it is an soundtrack, it's in fact the same (in my case Rolleyes)
another option would be perhaps to add a line in the movie nfo, where the path of the soundtrack could be placed.
i think it shouldn't be too much work to add such a line by hand for those movies with an existing soundtrack Cool

btw: wil have a look into german language translation if it would be helpful, but probably not until two weeks from now
igotdvds Wrote:I will look into the font thing as we are still looking for an open source replacement.

http://www.gnu.org/software/freefont/ may be of some help.

Thank you and congrats for your job ! This skin is amazing...

I only have one request (and the skin will THE ultimate skin Laugh):

Like with the skin "Night" can it be possible to add some buttons to the home page ? (for example create a smartlist and add it on homepage).

For example I don't want to have my concerts with my movies but I want the same options (fanart, views etc...)

I think I'm getting on your nervs but i has another request for your brilliant, nearly perfect skin: Sad

thumbnail-view in the music library:
going down from an album in the second row gets you to the next album, wich means first row in the column right next to it.
the other way around would probably work in the kiosk mode (where no settings are available) because in the other case going up is reserved for settings except you would change this by using another key for that. i mean how often are you changing your view settings? isn't it enough to put this function to a less popular key? this would also prevent new users from changing something by accident - or at least wouldn't confuse them so much Nod
could you make the menu -appearing during playback by pressing M- stop, if the left or right end is reached? like you made it in every other list and menu.

I'm not sure how to explain this but would you be able to include "watch support" for TV and films?

Like a little tick on the cover of the TV / film art?
it's me againRofl
during any playback the default behaviour of pressing fasforward several times is to fastforward faster.
is it possible to change it for music playback or is this unchangeable cause hardcoded?
the problem is that if you didn't recognize it fast enough the track is over and the next one and the next one.
so i think it would be better that a second press of fastforward will play the track again instead of forwarding x4 or x8 and so on...
Kiosk mode has been added for 1.0.6.
To learn more, click here.
Not sure if this has been asked but I would love if the posters on the TV show season list would be bigger. Currently they are very small and the not very easy to see.
How about getting rss-newsfeeds to work, cause now there is an option in settings screen, but i couldn't manage it to work.

How about adding an addons part to settings menu like in confluence? i like to hide the addons / programs part in the main menu, but at the moment i need these to maintain installed addons.

Thank you and congrats for your job ! This skin is amazing...

I only have one request (and the skin will THE ultimate skin ):

Like with the skin "Night" can it be possible to add some buttons to the home page ? (for example create a smartlist and add it on homepage).

For example I don't want to have my concerts with my movies but I want the same options (fanart, views etc...)


Any news about this ? Thank you in advance.
I could really use a plug in there sends the name of the movie or episode you are watching to whiwa.net
there plug ins for other media players but not XBMC
It's a site there make statistics over what you have seen.

They say this about XBMC -
XBMC doesn't work with our client since XBMC for Windows uses the FFmpeg open source codec-suit inside their own in-house developed video-player, (not MPlayer, nor any external codecs).

There is nothing that we can do or tweak unless someone build whiwa plug-in directly for XBMC - this will be very easy for someone who know XBMC and already built some plug-in
Hjord Wrote:I could really use a plug in there sends the name of the movie or episode you are watching to whiwa.net
there plug ins for other media players but not XBMC
It's a site there make statistics over what you have seen.

I think this may be the wrong place to ask, since its not really a skin feature...
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