[HOW TO] Create a smart playlist and add it to Home
mwkurt Wrote:Th3R00st3r

Please see this thread. I don't think that your idea of the playlist for date added movies will work, as it doesn't work for anyone else and it appears that it is not important enough an issue to be worked on. If you do get it to work, can you share how you did it?


I don't know how you can say it's not an important enough issue. In the stock Movie Menu Item, I can click to the right and a sub-menu pops up which has recently added in the list (and movie icons also appear on the main menu for recently added.) Same goes to TV shows, right-click and choose recently added.

So If there was a filedate(or airdate tag) item in the list of all the criteria, I could easily display the last 10 item sotred by filedate in descending order.

I read the post in the link you gave. I guess I don't understand if it's already somethings that can be done in the stock install, why it can't be used to create a custom one.

Like so:
<control type="button" id="90118">

I don't know enough about the xml files to be editing them directly..
Has anyone been able to create a smart playlist using the "path" option? I would like to create a menu item to show kids movies, which are all located in a specific folder. I can get the smart playlist to work for genre, ect, but not for path.

any advice?

spon, see here:
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thanks Sho. I wasn't able to get it working with "contains" but "begins with" worked perfectly.
Is there a way to create a custom playlist based on artist genre. Basically I would like to creat a playlist called Post-Rock and all bands with the genre would appear. Right now I am able to do it but when I click the playlist I have a list of songs not artists.
spon Wrote:Has anyone been able to create a smart playlist using the "path" option? I would like to create a menu item to show kids movies, which are all located in a specific folder. I can get the smart playlist to work for genre, ect, but not for path.

"path IS" worked for me only when I put a forward slash after the final directory
I'm trying to create a smart playlist with just a few movies in it but I can't figure out how to do it.
I tried choosing Title or File and added the name of the movies I wanted since I can't select Browse but when done the Playlist is empty.
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
I have set up smart playlists no problem and added them as menus on the home screen from skin settings playlist shortlist but the problem is it will only let me add three and I want one more. Is there a way I can add another?

The skin is AEON.
DOH Wrong thread!
Redd Wrote:Do you know if the smart playlist works with the "PATH" option for network shares? All of my movies are on a server and I can filter them by the different options such as MPAA rating but if I try to point the smart playlist to an "smb://path" it shows empty. Maybe I'm missing the point of the PATH option?

I seem to have stumbled on an answer. When I use the PATH option with the variable IS, it does not work but if I use the PATH option with the variable CONTAINS, all is well. Maybe that can help someone else playing around with smart playlists.

Thank you working great now.
I wanted to simulate the look of my TiVo by creating a "Now Playing" smart playlist that had both my Movies and my TV Shows listed.

This doesn't seem to work even with a skin that has the same views for both...

Is this even do-able?

What would be the proper syntax for searching for a specific audio codec with a rule? Specifically, I'm trying to search for all my DTS-HD MA movies. I couldn't get anything to work. But, even setting the rule to AudioCodec is DTS doesn't yield any results, so I'm not sure if there's a list of names of audio codecs that I'm missing somewhere or this feature just doesn't work. Thanks in advance.
ignore this post, wrong forum, but I can't delete it.
I think I've figured out the reason why some people can't seem to add a rule with a specific path. For me anything I tried didn't work until I added the path to the source in the Videos section. Once I did that it worked without any issues.

Hope this helps someone.

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[HOW TO] Create a smart playlist and add it to Home1
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