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[WINDOWS] HOW-TO use a Logitech Harmony Remote with XBMC
I guess it's mostly because we are using a custom profile, but you figured it out, that's great. :-)
katy: Silverstone LC19/AMD Zacate E350/4GB/7.5TB/Win 7 Pro 64/24/7/Shade (custom)
ATV2/iOS 4.2.1/Alaska Revisited Mod
Has anyone had any issues with the keypad navigation when there is an on screen keybaord?

There are times when I will try to edit a show name, and all I can do is type the characters. U/D/L/R doesn't seem to function.
I've found that the "End" soft button in this MCE Keyboard profile shutdowns XBMC immediately. It behaves like Alt+F4, except that it only works inside XBMC (it does not behave like Alt-F4 on normal Windows navigation).
bodhi Wrote:I've found that the "End" soft button in this MCE Keyboard profile shutdowns XBMC immediately. It behaves like Alt+F4, except that it only works inside XBMC (it does not behave like Alt-F4 on normal Windows navigation).

That is standard keyboard.xml behaviour for the "end" button. Try it on your standard keyboard. This is the actual code from the keyboard.xml:

katy: Silverstone LC19/AMD Zacate E350/4GB/7.5TB/Win 7 Pro 64/24/7/Shade (custom)
ATV2/iOS 4.2.1/Alaska Revisited Mod
sufreak Wrote:Has anyone had any issues with the keypad navigation when there is an on screen keybaord?

There are times when I will try to edit a show name, and all I can do is type the characters. U/D/L/R doesn't seem to function.

Can't reproduce. Did you set them as I did? Do direction keys work for you in other surroundings?
katy: Silverstone LC19/AMD Zacate E350/4GB/7.5TB/Win 7 Pro 64/24/7/Shade (custom)
ATV2/iOS 4.2.1/Alaska Revisited Mod
vanOert Wrote:That is standard keyboard.xml behaviour for the "end" button. Try it on your standard keyboard. This is the actual code from the keyboard.xml:


This is great..I'm gonna try it out. I mapped a key myself to this..but it saves me the effort

vanOert Wrote:Can't reproduce. Did you set them as I did? Do direction keys work for you in other surroundings?
Perfectly. Thats why its odd...
sufreak Wrote:Perfectly. Thats why its odd...

Hey, i just tried it again on my other system and it seems you're right (i'm using shade atm). the arrow buttons do seem to move the cursor around in the text field but you cant get down to the on screen keyboard... strange.
katy: Silverstone LC19/AMD Zacate E350/4GB/7.5TB/Win 7 Pro 64/24/7/Shade (custom)
ATV2/iOS 4.2.1/Alaska Revisited Mod

first of all i have to say a BIG thank you for this thread! Smile
It helped me a lot to solve my Harmony/XBMC issues. But some problems are still remaining:

I have tested several delay-settings, but i can't solve the problem of "repeating key presses". This always happens when i'm pressing a button (e.g.: direction up, ...) to short. In this case i keeps repeating my last command from my harmony and stops when i'm pressing another key :/

The second "issue" (it's more an annoying difference between keyboard and remote control) could be connected with the first problem. Key presses on my harmony seem to be transfered very slow, it takes ages to scroll through a longer list of films or tv shows.

I hope someone can help me, and i'm sorry for my poor english-grammer knowledge Wink

NiffStipples Wrote:I have tested several delay-settings, but i can't solve the problem of "repeating key presses". This always happens when i'm pressing a button (e.g.: direction up, ...) to short. In this case i keeps repeating my last command from my harmony and stops when i'm pressing another key :/

The second "issue" (it's more an annoying difference between keyboard and remote control) could be connected with the first problem. Key presses on my harmony seem to be transfered very slow, it takes ages to scroll through a longer list of films or tv shows.

Hey mate... my problem here is, that i do not have any issues like that with my configuration. others have reported similar behaviour and i strongly believe that there is an issue there, it seems to just have spared me.
Out of curiousity... what's your setup? what ir receiver do you use and what harmony model?

Maybe we can find some parallels to others experiencing this issue.

Edit: Of course, keyboard is much faster for me too, but the harmony's timing is snappy enough and i'm quite picky. :-)
katy: Silverstone LC19/AMD Zacate E350/4GB/7.5TB/Win 7 Pro 64/24/7/Shade (custom)
ATV2/iOS 4.2.1/Alaska Revisited Mod
I've forgotten to post my current setup, sorry Wink

I have a Harmony One with an build in IR-Receiver in my HTPC-Case (OrigenAE S10V with an VF310 module, i think it's from Soundgraph...i had to install iMon software to get it working properly but it should support full MCE compatibility).
Furthermore i'm using Windows 7 x64 Prof., XBMC 9.11 and i've added the MCE-Keyboard by selecting:

Computer->Computer (i think it doesn't matter if you're selecting computer or media center pc in this step)->Microsoft-> MCE Keyboard

I'm a little bit tired and lazy, so i'll post screenshots from my harmony settings Wink

Delay Settings (still experimenting):


Response Settings:


In XBMC I disabled the "Remote control sends keyboard presses" option. If someone knows how to configure the iMon driver/softwarepackage the right way please tell me, i just changed the remote control interface from iMon Pad to MCE Remote.

If my key assignments are necessary or if I've forgotten to post any important settings i can also post them later on Smile

p.s.: @vanOert: Falls die Erklärung auf deutsch leichter ist, einfach 'ne pm schicken Wink
Hi all,

First of all, congrats for this specefic topic for Harmony remotes & XBMC users... very helpful.
I am currently using XBMC installed in my ASRock ION330HT HTPC under Windows 7 in combination with a Harmony 1000 remote... everything is runnig OK, but I would love to improve the funcionality of the remote by adding some "keyboard actions" to some soft buttons on the remote.
If you have a look to this, in the section "Actions" you can find many commands that does not have any assigned a key. Eg: there is an action called "AudioNextLanguage" that will "change to the next audio track in a video with multiple audio tracks" pretty useful when playing mkv videos, but given that there is no key for that action, the only way to change audios is going to the OSD Player Controls and navigate to the audio options... something a bit annoying considering that regarding the subtitles ("action" name: NextSubtitle) there is key ("L") to change them...

So the question is: is there any way to assign a key on the keyboard to the "actions" listed here

Thanks all and pls apoligize my poor English.
TV: Pioneer PDP-LX5090H; BD player: Pioneer BDP-LX58-K; AV receiver: Pioneer SC-LX56-K; HTPC: OrigenAE M10 (i3 6100); NAS: Synology DS213j; Game Consoles: Xbox One & Xbox 360 250 GB ("Slim"); Speakers: Focal-Jmlab Chorus S; Sub: SVS PB-1000; Universal remote: Logitech Harmony Ultimate.
i just can't figure out why it's repeating only the last key-press if i press the harmony-button quick...when i'm pushing it just a little bit longer (just a few milliseconds) this issue doesn't appear.
NiffStipples Wrote:i just can't figure out why it's repeating only the last key-press if i press the harmony-button quick...when i'm pushing it just a little bit longer (just a few milliseconds) this issue doesn't appear.

I also started noticing this problem. A short keypress seems cause xbmc to process the signal forever. I don't think it has anything to do with the remote delays.
Evergreen4 Wrote:Hi all,

First of all, congrats for this specefic topic for Harmony remotes & XBMC users... very helpful.
I am currently using XBMC installed in my ASRock ION330HT HTPC under Windows 7 in combination with a Harmony 1000 remote... everything is runnig OK, but I would love to improve the funcionality of the remote by adding some "keyboard actions" to some soft buttons on the remote.
If you have a look to this, in the section "Actions" you can find many commands that does not have any assigned a key. Eg: there is an action called "AudioNextLanguage" that will "change to the next audio track in a video with multiple audio tracks" pretty useful when playing mkv videos, but given that there is no key for that action, the only way to change audios is going to the OSD Player Controls and navigate to the audio options... something a bit annoying considering that regarding the subtitles ("action" name: NextSubtitle) there is key ("L") to change them...

So the question is: is there any way to assign a key on the keyboard to the "actions" listed here

Thanks all and pls apoligize my poor English.

I am also looking for a way to do this. Anyone that know how to create an button on the touch display and link that to an event like load subtiles, or go direct to my tv series ?

Intel NUC Haswell D34010WYK | ATV2 | Logitech Harmony One | Onkyo TX-NR808 Receiver | QNAP 809 | APC Back-UPS RS 550
I too am experiencing lag. I have a Harmony One and use the receiver that came with a PC Remote Controller II.

I believe this may be the source of my problem though, since I had to learn its commands manually and by selecting the RAW option. The PC Remote Controller II is snappy as hell though!

Anyway, I have a question. Could there by any chance be any differences between receivers as long as they're RC6-compatible? E.g. could the HP receiver perform better than the Microsoft one, or should they be the same?

Edit: I've also played around with timing and retries. Timings and retries are as low as they go, but the remote still sends commands really slow. But yes, this should hopefully be due to using RAW commands.
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[WINDOWS] HOW-TO use a Logitech Harmony Remote with XBMC13
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