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I do not waste my time "talking", I prefer to do!

Staff, who asked for, plus a new one:

Now there's a menu to set the sub-menu where you can turn on and off the items you want.

To access the menu just go to SETTINGS> MAIN MENU> SUB-MENU

Available in version 2.0.8 that is being sent to the repository in the next few minutes.


Best Regards.
this dont work with 10.9 dharma beta2 right?
Cant install it. Got this in log:
21:06:31 T:3380 M:1222610944   ERROR: XFILE::CFile::Cache - Failed write to file special://home/addons/packages/skin.AeonMQ-2-2.0.4.zip
Hi all,

I must say that the skin is great, but, I have a bit of a problem with the settings screens with the Aeon MQ2 skin. Each time I enter them they seem to be broken or pixelated, like there out of alignment.

I am running it on a Revo 3610.

I'm absolutely loving this skin. It runs a lot smoother then any other Aeon version for Dharma. But still... it's far from snappy when changing menu items in the home screen, and loading of a sections after selecting a home-menu item takes a lot longer then in any other skin. What's causing this? I've got recently added enabled, but this doesn't cause many slowdowns in other skins.

Anyhow... the skin is close to usable on a daily basis now. You've done a excellent job! Thanks a lot Smile

Please add to my reputation if you find my posts usefull (+/- button below posts)
Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
I stumbled across this skin today and I'm totally enjoying it. I just finished setting it up and love how smooth everything is. I do have one request though, which is to add the ability to turn Flow on and off when looking at episodes in Showcase mode. Maybe it's just me but the option doesn't seem to be present.

Other than that, keep up the great work and thanks a lot!
Very nice skin, thanks for the hard work!

A slight glitch I've noticed: If, when in the home-menu, I press 'i' on say 'Movies' menu item, I get a full black screen, but can come back out with the back button.

I too get slow transition from menu item to the next screen, when entering Movies, TV Shows etc... how can this be improved? I have 1 view type for movies, and in TV shows I have 2 views (Landscape, Low List)...

When will be able to add custom home items, iPlayer and such...?

Many many thanks
fabianosan Wrote:Friend, what you get to come on the topic of another user, to criticize his work? You got problems? Are you sick or is lacking?

Go find a girlfriend to kiss and take care of you work in your topics, if not like the skin or work of the user Marcos, just ignore this and stay on, who talks more is because they're jealous.

This is very ugly.

I deserve it!
Each appears to me.

Mate, I do your words my words.No Marcos keep up the good work!!
Utterly fantastic!!

Keep it up!
One important thing:

The repository has a fix, then you need to update it in order to obtain updates of the skin.

How to:

- Go into ADD-ONS> GET ADD-ONS> REPOSITÓRIO AEON MQ and press C on your keyboard.
- Select then FORCE REFRESH.
- Enter the REPOSITORY> SKIN and see if there is an update.
- Have to manually restart XBMC and after completion.

I only have list and showcase as view options in all libraries. Tried reinstalling still no other view options available, using dharma beta2 Sad
Japaja Wrote:I only have list and showcase as view options in all libraries. I'm gonna try reinstalling the skin.
Go to settings, visualizations....
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
Thanks, forgot that Aeon had a special menu just for choosing media browser views. Also its 4 in the morning here so.. Smile really thank you.
I can't get my fanart for my tv shows, anyone having the same problem?! It's just dexter alll the freaking time!
i am missing fanart for the movies and tv shows too. it strangly works on my desktop pc for testing purposes but not on my htpc.

i found another bug:
when playing music and starting the lyrics plugin the skin hangs. can someone confirm it?

found minor glitches while playing around yesterday. i will write them down, can't remember now...

can anyone tell me where i find "favorites" and "file manager"?
marv_el Wrote:i am missing fanart for the movies and tv shows too. it strangly works on my desktop pc for testing purposes but not on my htpc.

i found another bug:
when playing music and starting the lyrics plugin the skin hangs. can someone confirm it?

found minor glitches while playing around yesterday. i will write them down, can't remember now...

can anyone tell me where i find "favorites" and "file manager"?

Favorites and File manager are on the context menu just hit "S" on your keyboard, though it would be nice if you could add
them to the home screen bar or on the settings sub menu.

Ps any chance of making the textures available as i would really prefer to to make black the default theme by overwriting the grey
textures thus making the install much smaller thanks
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
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