difference dharma and normal builds
usually i use the latest nightly builds from the unoficial site.

i noticed a new packet (dharma)

i searched the forum and read the change logs from dharma but

what is the (main) difference between the two packets?

sorry for being such dumb but i can't find the answer.
_Andy_ Wrote:usually i use the latest nightly builds from the unoficial site.

i noticed a new packet (dharma)

i searched the forum and read the change logs from dharma but

what is the (main) difference between the two packets?

sorry for being such dumb but i can't find the answer.

I hope this helps you.

Not realy.

Ich installed both versions DX Installer 34779 and Dharma 34772.

Found no differences. Both can play BR rips with the inbuild player. Both support plugin manager and so on.

So i have no clue. But thx anyway i will watch both versions.

BTW in the video settings i am missing some settings (Adjust display refresh rate to match video,Sync playback to display,A/V sync method)

Where can i find the settings or are they dropped?
Not a lot at the moment is the answer this pretty much explains things


You would need to follow the changes on trac between the dharma branch and trunk from the point the dharma branch was created

I wouldn't really consider dharma as a nightly build at this point

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