Loving the new Highslide support - nice to see this is being improved on all the time! Thanks guys, great work and sure this will catch on 10 fold soon!
However, I've noticed a bug with the Recent TV widget. It's displaying the Fan Art as opposed to the Season Cover (or episode thumb). Just thought I'd bring it to your attention
Would now be a good time to put in a request for an option for a CSS Style Drop down menu to add links associated to the Nav bar (seeing as JQuery has been added into the mix!)? IE -
SickBeard >
Update XBMC
Force Backlog Check
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Add Show (Widget?)
CouchPotato >
Add Movie (Widget?)
Perhaps a Widget if possible for Wanted Movies (Ones that are awaiting to be found by CP).
I thought perhaps something similar to
I understand we all have 'real lives' so no great rush, just some ideas/suggestions I thought would be great to include. I would try myself, but every time I try, I seem to break something!
Mind you, I'm great with icons and graphics and stuff if any help is needed!