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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps
Zarquon Wrote:@Adam B. Get the latest version of wComingEpisodes.php from git as it should now work for you and is a little less hacky. I don't like this as the final solution but it should work more consistently for now.

Got it, works great. Thanks. Smile
Hmm, in xbmc and the default web interface shows the description, etc, perfectly. It's only in in mfp that it shows the problem. I'm not bothered by it, like you said if others get it then you can look into it further.
If I already have Sickbeard and Couch Potato running on a WHS box, do I just need to get a web server setup for this and configure the appropriate files? Would this in any way prevent me from using SB and CP as they are now?
@ECEC, You are correct. This does not touch any of the other apps (aside from connecting to their json servers). Zarquon has even made the coming episodes widget so that it styles sickbeards coming episodes page without you needing to edit sickbeards css files. Ie in sickbeard, the coming episodes page will look the same as always but in MFP it will be styled to match MFP.

Installation should be as simple as getting the web server setup, putting the files in and configuring the config.php. If you run into any issues have a read through this thread, I think we have hit the majority of issues already.

It certainly isn't a finished product but with Zarquons help we are slowly getting there. I have very limited time to work on this at the moment so if anyone wants to help out feel to. Everything is just php, css and abit of javascript.
Cool. I'm downloading XAAMP now and I'll let you know how it goes. Big Grin
Not related to this tool, but has anyone managed to get XAMPP working on a WHS box? The default ports for Apache are obviously already in use, but even if I change the ports in httpd.conf I can't get the service to start. Frustrating as all hell.
thebusiness Wrote:Seesms I am getting most of the errors fixed.

When I click on one of the recent movies I get the error;

The requested URL /movieinfo was not found on this server.

Get the latest version of all the files as this functionality has been re-written.
Zarquon Wrote:Get the latest version of all the files as this functionality has been re-written.

Working a lot better now. Thanks

Still getting the error

Notice: Use of undefined constant wComingEpisodes - assumed 'wComingEpisodes' in C:\wamp\www\widgets\wComingEpisodes.php on line 4
thebusiness Wrote:Working a lot better now. Thanks

Still getting the error

Notice: Use of undefined constant wComingEpisodes - assumed 'wComingEpisodes' in C:\wamp\www\widgets\wComingEpisodes.php on line 4
I made a change to several of the files that should fix these warning messages.
Nice work on the recent movies widget. No problems what so ever.

Top notch Wink
So, this is asking alot, but would it be possible for you guys to make it an option to use banners on the sickbeard coming episodes?

Sickbeard currently doesn't scrape banners, but if you have banners already it won't replace them, and currently they get squished in the little poster box. I edited it once before... its really really simple. Just a matter of changing the positioning and size in the template file comingepisodes.

Or not.. that's cool too Smile
We do not touch any of sickbeards files. You should be asking this question in the sickbeard thread.

One way you can do it is change the height and width in our css/comingepisodes.css where it reads:

.listingThumb {
  width: 100px;
  height: 147px;
  float: left;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  background-image: url(/sickbeard/images/poster.png);
thebusiness Wrote:Working a lot better now. Thanks

Still getting the error

Notice: Use of undefined constant wComingEpisodes - assumed 'wComingEpisodes' in C:\wamp\www\widgets\wComingEpisodes.php on line 4

go into your php.ini file and search for:

error_reporting =

add this to the end of it:


That should stop the notices from appearing.
althekiller Wrote:I like how this thread went from "specifically sound" to "overclocking." It was a good attempt guys, almost a thread that could be useful in the future.

I really miss althekiller :(
branlr Wrote:So, this is asking alot, but would it be possible for you guys to make it an option to use banners on the sickbeard coming episodes?

Sickbeard currently doesn't scrape banners, but if you have banners already it won't replace them, and currently they get squished in the little poster box. I edited it once before... its really really simple. Just a matter of changing the positioning and size in the template file comingepisodes.

Or not.. that's cool too Smile
As Nick8888 said you can modify the CSS. But my suggestion would be to create your own CSS file and it can be included by settings its path in your config.php file by defining the $customStyleSheet variable.

For example create a file in the css folder called custom.css and populate it with something like:
.listingThumb {
  width: 300px;
  height: 55px;
  clear: both;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  background-image: none;
Then add the line the
$customStyleSheet = "css/custom.css";
to your config.php file.
Loving the new Highslide support - nice to see this is being improved on all the time! Thanks guys, great work and sure this will catch on 10 fold soon!

However, I've noticed a bug with the Recent TV widget. It's displaying the Fan Art as opposed to the Season Cover (or episode thumb). Just thought I'd bring it to your attention Smile

Would now be a good time to put in a request for an option for a CSS Style Drop down menu to add links associated to the Nav bar (seeing as JQuery has been added into the mix!)? IE -

SickBeard >
Update XBMC
Force Backlog Check
Show Log
Add Show (Widget?)

CouchPotato >
Add Movie (Widget?)

Perhaps a Widget if possible for Wanted Movies (Ones that are awaiting to be found by CP).

I thought perhaps something similar to this.

I understand we all have 'real lives' so no great rush, just some ideas/suggestions I thought would be great to include. I would try myself, but every time I try, I seem to break something! Big Grin

Mind you, I'm great with icons and graphics and stuff if any help is needed!
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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps9