2012-12-28, 16:26
First of all; tvtunes is an awesome idea!
But sadly I have a tiny, but showstopping, problem!
It will always name the tvtune 'theme.mp3', which is fine if the file is stored in the directory of the serie itself. But in my case (and probably others too), my media files reside on a server and the shared folder is read only.
When I give tvtunes a custom folder, like /storage/tvtunes/, every theme is saved as /storage/tvtunes/theme.mp3, thus overwriting the same file for every show. Would it be possible to add an option to save the tvtunes mp3 under a different name, based on either the show's name or id?
If you have a git repo up somewhere I'll glady push the changes myself
But sadly I have a tiny, but showstopping, problem!
It will always name the tvtune 'theme.mp3', which is fine if the file is stored in the directory of the serie itself. But in my case (and probably others too), my media files reside on a server and the shared folder is read only.
When I give tvtunes a custom folder, like /storage/tvtunes/, every theme is saved as /storage/tvtunes/theme.mp3, thus overwriting the same file for every show. Would it be possible to add an option to save the tvtunes mp3 under a different name, based on either the show's name or id?
If you have a git repo up somewhere I'll glady push the changes myself
