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[Closed] TvTunes Addon
First of all; tvtunes is an awesome idea!

But sadly I have a tiny, but showstopping, problem!

It will always name the tvtune 'theme.mp3', which is fine if the file is stored in the directory of the serie itself. But in my case (and probably others too), my media files reside on a server and the shared folder is read only.

When I give tvtunes a custom folder, like /storage/tvtunes/, every theme is saved as /storage/tvtunes/theme.mp3, thus overwriting the same file for every show. Would it be possible to add an option to save the tvtunes mp3 under a different name, based on either the show's name or id?

If you have a git repo up somewhere I'll glady push the changes myself Smile

(2012-12-28, 16:26)Insulin Wrote: When I give tvtunes a custom folder, like /storage/tvtunes/, every theme is saved as /storage/tvtunes/theme.mp3, thus overwriting the same file for every show.

it's not supposed to do that, so must be a bug in the script.
it should create a subfolder for each tvshow inside the custom folder.

having a quick glance over the code, it looks like there's indeed an issue in 'solo' mode.
'bulk' mode seems fine, but i'll have to test to make sure.

will have a closer look later today.

thx for the report!
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custom path issues should be fixed:

please test and lmk if there's still any bugs. :-)
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Love this addon! However, I believe there is still a bug (or very annoying feature). I'm not sure if it's been fixed or that it's reappearing in Frodo/my skin. It's regarding the unintentional looping of the theme if you move into a episode view (from season view) after the theme has finished playing and after an episode finished playing (and you return to episode view from the video player). This has been reported in post #608 and it is noticed by ppic, however I don't believe it's ever been fixed (I went through the changelog, but didn't see it). Is it possible to fix this issue?

EDIT: I'm running Frodo RC2 with Aeon Nox skin, if that's important.
(2012-12-29, 11:30)XBL. Wrote: Love this addon! However, I believe there is still a bug (or very annoying feature). I'm not sure if it's been fixed or that it's reappearing in Frodo/my skin. It's regarding the unintentional looping of the theme if you move into a episode view (from season view) after the theme has finished playing and after an episode finished playing (and you return to episode view from the video player). This has been reported in post #608 and it is noticed by ppic, however I don't believe it's ever been fixed (I went through the changelog, but didn't see it). Is it possible to fix this issue?

EDIT: I'm running Frodo RC2 with Aeon Nox skin, if that's important.

replaying the same tune when moving from seasons to episodes should be fixed:

not playing the tune again when you finish watching an episode is more difficult to accomplish.
basically the script quits when you start playing a video and starts up again when you finished watching.
at this point, the script has no knowledge whether it has played a tune before or not.

i could keep track of it by saving something to a file each time the script plays a tune
but i wonder if it's worth the hassle.
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(2012-12-29, 23:02)ronie Wrote: replaying the same tune when moving from seasons to episodes should be fixed:

not playing the tune again when you finish watching an episode is more difficult to accomplish.
basically the script quits when you start playing a video and starts up again when you finished watching.
at this point, the script has no knowledge whether it has played a tune before or not.

i could keep track of it by saving something to a file each time the script plays a tune
but i wonder if it's worth the hassle.
Thanks! I don't believe this version is in the repository yet, right?

Regarding the replay after finishing an episode: it's no biggy. Stopping it from playing multiple times before you watch an episode is already a great improvement.
(2012-12-29, 23:12)XBL. Wrote: Thanks! I don't believe this version is in the repository yet, right?

nope, and won't be until a couple of you have tested it and confirm the issue is fixed
and no other bugs were introduced. ;-)
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(2012-12-29, 23:14)ronie Wrote: nope, and won't be until a couple of you have tested it and confirm the issue is fixed
and no other bugs were introduced. ;-)
Ok. I'll install it when I have the chance.
Spanish tranlation updated

(2012-12-31, 11:15)davidmumar Wrote: Spanish tranlation updated


cheers, i'll add it to the next version.
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Just wanted to say thanks for this add on and all the hard work that's been put into it. TV theme music is the thing I missed most when using my XBMC HTPC over my Plex system.
Hello All,

I am relatively new to XBMC. In fact the extent of my playing has come since Frodo - never used a version prior to this one. I am currently using RC3 and 3.04 of the script and the confluence default skin.

I have enabled this add-on in the settings, I have configured a valid custom path for the mp3's. The only media I have in my library is TV media. However, the script doesn't look to firing at all. I browse the library, and then check the dir I have set, no files appear hence why I am not hearing anything I guess.

Nothing in the error log the either ....

Below is my latest log, where I browsed the library. Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: Another log with debugging enabled.

(2013-01-06, 04:27)Danioj Wrote: Hello All,

I am relatively new to XBMC. In fact the extent of my playing has come since Frodo - never used a version prior to this one. I am currently using RC3 and 3.04 of the script and the confluence default skin.

I have enabled this add-on in the settings, I have configured a valid custom path for the mp3's. The only media I have in my library is TV media. However, the script doesn't look to firing at all. I browse the library, and then check the dir I have set, no files appear hence why I am not hearing anything I guess.

Nothing in the error log the either ....

Below is my latest log, where I browsed the library. Any help would be appreciated.


hi Danioj,

you first have to run the script from Home > Programs > TV Tunes
it will then download all tunes for your tv shows.

not sure if you've already done that?

in case you still have problems, please post a Debug Log.
the regular log is of no use when it comes to troubleshooting ;-)
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(2013-01-06, 04:36)ronie Wrote:
(2013-01-06, 04:27)Danioj Wrote: Hello All,

I am relatively new to XBMC. In fact the extent of my playing has come since Frodo - never used a version prior to this one. I am currently using RC3 and 3.04 of the script and the confluence default skin.

I have enabled this add-on in the settings, I have configured a valid custom path for the mp3's. The only media I have in my library is TV media. However, the script doesn't look to firing at all. I browse the library, and then check the dir I have set, no files appear hence why I am not hearing anything I guess.

Nothing in the error log the either ....

Below is my latest log, where I browsed the library. Any help would be appreciated.


hi Danioj,

you first have to run the script from Home > Programs > TV Tunes
it will then download all tunes for your tv shows.

not sure if you've already done that?

in case you still have problems, please post a debug log.
the regular log is of no use when it comes to troubleshooting ;-)

Hi ronie,

Just wanted to close things off. That worked a treat, I must have missed that instruction. I followed your guidance and everything is working as I expected.

Thank you.
I only have a couple of TV shows so am reluctant to add the add-on just for them. Plus I use a media manager that downloads them. One question though. If I already have the theme.mp3 in each show folder, is the TvTunes add-on needed to get XBMC (Frodo) to play it, or should XBMC be able to play them on it's own?
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
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