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Win XBMC on iMON Display (LCD / VFD) for Windows
XBMConiMon un-initalizes whenever iMon Manager reports an error or is not running. The error in your logs proves this what is happening from where I'm sitting. So either it''s a USB/return from sleep issue, or a problem with timing. Either way, since SoundGraph are no longer developing drivers for these displays, and no-one is maintaining the XBMConiMon utility routinely, unless you disable sleep your SOL from where I'm sitting.

Sorry to sound so negative, but that's the situation.

The system I have with this display is also running the Parslej version, and I get no issues with it at all assuming I do not restart Kodi more than once per run of XBMConiMon. However, I do not use sleep mode either.
I tried with hibernation instead of sleep but the problem remains. Now I test shutdown option.
Is this the right thing to make portable version (found here:http://kodi.wiki/view/Windows_FAQ)

1.6 Portable mode

If you wish, you may run XBMC in portable mode by adding the -p switch (in the Target field after the closing quotation mark) to the shortcut's properties used to launch XBMC. This will then use the XBMC folder itself as the Home folder, which means scripts, plugins, skins and userdata will be located in the 'portable_data' folder within the XBMC folder. This is useful for running XBMC for Windows off a USB stick for portability.
You'll have to put the XBMC folder in a place where standard users have write permission (e.g. not under Program Files) or run the shortcut as admin (even though you're logged in with an admin account). Otherwise you'll get the error message "ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting."
You will, however, have to be careful when upgrading to make sure that the userdata folder you use is not overwritten.
@gibxxi can you reupload your pictures so I can compare?
Still working for me in the post I made, (they are up on imageshack and I'm using a paid account), but send me a PM with your email and I'll send you a zip of the images if you want.
(2015-03-08, 13:51)refosk Wrote: I tried with hibernation instead of sleep but the problem remains. Now I test shutdown option.
Is this the right thing to make portable version (found here:http://kodi.wiki/view/Windows_FAQ)

1.6 Portable mode

If you wish, you may run XBMC in portable mode by adding the -p switch (in the Target field after the closing quotation mark) to the shortcut's properties used to launch XBMC. This will then use the XBMC folder itself as the Home folder, which means scripts, plugins, skins and userdata will be located in the 'portable_data' folder within the XBMC folder. This is useful for running XBMC for Windows off a USB stick for portability.
You'll have to put the XBMC folder in a place where standard users have write permission (e.g. not under Program Files) or run the shortcut as admin (even though you're logged in with an admin account). Otherwise you'll get the error message "ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting."
You will, however, have to be careful when upgrading to make sure that the userdata folder you use is not overwritten.

Aye, that's the one. Portable mode will create the "userdata" in the same folder as Kodi resides, meaning you can (theoretically) move the installation between PCs, if for example you installed to a USB drive. The only things Kodi puts in the registry as far as I can tell are uninstall links and icons for the desktop/start menu, so it's fully portable. I don't run it on an SSD directly for the reasons I've already stated. The PC still boots super-fast, and using launcher4Kodi you can dictate when XBMConiMon starts, along with Kodi. I think Launcher4Kodi *may* trigger a run of XBMConiMon shortly after it sends the start + configured delay time-out to run Kodi. it's all pretty seamless, but you are running 3 separate programs, 2 of which are relying on drivers installed to the local OS and any latencies incurred by your chosen set-up. To be honest, the overall speed of Kodi depends largely on the skin your running, whether it's using disparate textures or a single textures.xbt file (better performance), and the general processing power of the system. The hard drive isn't a crucial factor. It's not a game, or time limited application in that sense.

For a regular HTPC I'd totally promote the use of sleep mode with Kodi. But with the drivers (iMon Manager), the launcher software (Launcher4Kodi) and the somewhat buggy (iMon Manager) software, there's just too much potential for things to go screwy, so I've always avoided it.

EDIT: For reference with regards anyone with a similar set-up. I've found with wired Ethernet, best to apply a start-up delay to Kodi (via Launcher4Kodi) of at least 30 seconds, in order to allow time for both iMon Manager to re-initialize properly, for the Ethernet drivers to become connected to the network, and for everything to be primed and ready. This is especially important if using a MySQL Db hosted on your NAS. For those using Wireless, a 45-60 second delay may be required as Wireless is slower to get connected in most cases than wired Ethernet. Desktop shell replacement is NOT an option as it prevents iMon Manager from running (no explorer.exe) and thus prevents XBMConiMon communicating with the display (via iMon Manager).
At this point I'd also like to sing the praise of the excellent "Backup" add-on (Formerly known as XBMC Backup). If you do a nightly backup of all possible categories (and remember to save your guisettings.xml file separately, it will safeguard you from any damage caused by bad installs, bad add-ons, crashes and the like. It also backs up to the cloud (Dropbox) if you have enough space for it.

It can't backup the guisettings.xml file because Kodi is constantly writing and re-writing this file during normal operation. But it will secure practically everything else, to the target folder of your choice. It's highly recommended.
I'm really hoping someone can help. I just installed XMBConiMON and Kodi 14.2 on Windows 8.1

I keep getting Cannot connect to XMBC at

I have tried removing the username. Still same thing. I have already verified that Kodi's webserver is up and running (via a web browser). Port is obviously accessible/open.

I have turned off Windows 8.1 firewall; just to be certain. So, what's the trick to get this to work? Please look at the screenshot closely.

Better quality Screenshot:

EDIT: I'm not certain about this, but it look like this software is meant for the tiny LCD screen for imon, not the more advanced 7" touch screen for imon.

Any suggestions on what software to use to display XMBC info on my 7" screen?
(2015-03-22, 17:21)MKANET Wrote: I'm really hoping someone can help. I just installed XMBConiMON and Kodi 14.2 on Windows 8.1
I keep getting Cannot connect to XMBC at
I have tried removing the username. Still same thing. I have already verified that Kodi's webserver is up and running (via a web browser). Port is obviously accessible/open.

I've got the same error. Some researches after I found that Kodi is not listen port 9090. It's easy to check: start - cmd.exe - telnet <your IP or> <your port like 8080>
In my case the command was telnet 80
BTW I guess that default Kodi port is 80 TCP, not 8080.

Note that telnet program is not installed by default in Windows 8. You should turn on "telnet client" windows feature through the Control Panel - Program and Features. Now you can check that someone listen port 9090. In my case I've got an error so I just restart the Kody.

  • remember IP, port, login and password from the Kodi settings
  • check that port is OK via the Web Browser
  • now check that port 9090 is available too
  • run XBMC on iMON and enjoy Smile
Actually, I forgot to post this... The reason this didn't work is because Im using a iMon version that takes advantage of my 7" LCD touch screen builtin to my HTPC case Silverstone CW03. It looks like the XBMConiMon software is meant for the tiny LCD screen with limited capabilities.

I actually use Yatse2 for my 7" LCD; which displays Kodi TV/Movie/Music fanart and media info during Kodi playback. It also displays picture slideshows and weather forecast when not playing items in Kodi.
(2015-03-30, 01:17)MKANET Wrote: Actually, I forgot to post this... The reason this didn't work is because Im using a iMon version that takes advantage of my 7" LCD touch screen builtin to my HTPC case Silverstone CW03. It looks like the XBMConiMon software is meant for the tiny LCD screen with limited capabilities.

I actually use Yatse2 for my 7" LCD; which displays Kodi TV/Movie/Music fanart and media info during Kodi playback. It also displays picture slideshows and weather forecast when not playing items in Kodi.

Correct, the XBMConiMon tool was initially made before iMon colour LCD screens (FingerUI & other variants) were released or were common in HTPC cases. This tool got around the substandard support SoundGraph built into their own drivers/iMon Manager with regards XBMC for the earlier monochrome LCD and VFD displays.
Any have download link for imon-on-xbmc-Parslej version - filedropper link appears down.


Just a edit:
This thread is for LCD or VFD -- Not second monitor TFT's! Took me a while to figure this out. The linked software is for use on single/double line LCD or VFD display.
If want fullscreen 2nd screen Kodi Native Fanart/NowPlaying images - best option is Yatse2.

Is there any way to get information (%title%, %runtime% etc) to show on the second line of a iMon VFD?
I have an OrigenAE case, and I got everything else working except this.
(2015-06-07, 23:56)Cinder Wrote: Is there any way to get information (%title%, %runtime% etc) to show on the second line of a iMon VFD?
I have an OrigenAE case, and I got everything else working except this.

@gibxxi thanks a lot for your solution - disabling XBMC in iMon settings did the trick for me! I also had the "cannot connect to" issue! Smile
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XBMC on iMON Display (LCD / VFD) for Windows7
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