Transcoding for XBMC on XBOX using mencoder or ffmpeg
Hi all,

(Why is the XBOX forum closed? Please move my thread over when it reopens. Thanks.)

I currently use Mediacoder to transcode h264 video from the BBC to xvid to watch on XBMC on my XBOX. I've never been able to get it perfectly right, I always seem to get "wobbles" on fast moving scenes.

I would like to use mencoder or ffmpeg for transcoding as command line tools offer easy automation and a higher degree of control compared to gui tools. Portability is also an issue as I use Linux at work and Windows/Cygwin and OSX at home.

Does anyone have any mencoder or ffmpeg "recipies" for transcoding smooth xvid for xbmc? I don't even mind h264 if you can get good results.


rhlee Wrote:Hi all,

(Why is the XBOX forum closed? Please move my thread over when it reopens. Thanks.)

XBMC is no longer being developed for the XBox here. See for XBox realted stuff.

I use Handbrake for transcoding these days as I find it gives generally better results than mencoder or ffmeg. Having said that I've never tried coding down to an XBox compatible format. I'd give it a try though. Like mencoder Handbrake has a formidable array of command line arguments, but the Handbrake forums are very helpful.


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Transcoding for XBMC on XBOX using mencoder or ffmpeg0
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