wimpy Wrote:just a little "scraping report". scraping covers etc for for example Sega Master System titles ended up giving me the following:
Most of these things are due to the way GiantBomb structure their data. To illustrate...
wimpy Wrote:Alexx Kidd Hi Tech World : A screenshot for cover
The relevant article on giantbomb that the scraper found:
The scraper will first attempt to fetch the covert art from the "releases" part of the article (
http://www.giantbomb.com/alex-kidd-high-.../releases/), to ensure that we get a cover from the right platform. This particular game had no releases associated, so instead the scraper fetched the "main" image from the article. There is no guarantee that this is actually cover art, and there is no way for me to tell whether it is or not, so in some cases it turns out to be screenshots instead.
wimpy Wrote:Alex Kidd in Miracle World : A japanese cover
Relevant giantbomb article:
Again, the scraper first checked releases, but none of the releases had associated cover art. Thus, it picked the "main image" of the article again. This time, it turned out to be the japanese cover. Again, no way for me to tell what it actually is.
wimpy Wrote:Columns : Cover was Genesis / Mega Drive
Relevant giantbomb article:
This time some releases had images, but apparently not your particular platform. So it picked the "main image". Turns out it's for mega drive this time.
wimpy Wrote:Dick Tracy : Nintendo cover was scraped
Relevant article:
Same deal as above
wimpy Wrote:Ninja : A screenshot instead of cover
Paperboy : Unknown cover/art scraped, but it was paperboy-franchise related
R-Type : Same as Paperboy
Rampage : Atari cover scraped
wimpy Wrote:I'm guessing this is fixable in the scraper layout. I will however start on a personal project of my own for one system (SMS) to display to you guys making these scripts to see if we can start working on a scraper that makes sense. Hopefully thegamesdb and/or thevideogamedb blokes will be active again soon as well
My point is that this is not a correctable flaw in the scraper, but rather an inherent flaw of giantbomb. Sorry. Once there is a better database available, I will be glad to write a scraper for it (hoping for the macscene thing to pan out, once again..)
wimpy Wrote:Btw: any future plans for adding more views to this addon or are you relying on skinners to do this?
I might add more views ("translate" confluence views to the add-on, that is), but it isn't a priority at the moment.
msderganc Wrote:One more question:
Is there any way to pass the full path of a ROM to an emulator?
Neither of my N64 emulators will properly recognize the ROMs as it is.
Thanks again!
This sounds bad. I had hoped I fixed all these issues. Anyway, in the emulator arguments setting, %ROM% is replaced by the full path to the ROM, within quotes. What emulators are you using? I will test them out and see if I can reproduce the issue.
Death-Axe Wrote:Set it up with kegs and my gen roms, select a game, screen flash, tick at the side of a game.... but doesn't open the emu. Needs work bro.
Advancedlauncher does it perfectly.
That sounds even worse.. You say this happens with
KEGS? Does any other emulator exhibit this behavior? Once again, I will try to reproduce it..
EDIT2: Regarding your problem Death-Axe; I haven't attempted to reproduce it yet, but the symptoms you gave were consistent with a bug that I just fixed in the latest version, relating to spaces in emulator paths. Try out the latest version and see if it fixes your problem.