[Windows]Setup XBox Controller with keymap.xml
Or you could go the super "holy crap that was easy" easy way...get xpadder, and configure your buttons to perform which whichever ever action you want...this would also work with, any video game controller...I have a 360 controller on my desktop, and a ps3 controller on my laptop, both working flawlessly and took me about 30 mins to setup.
Post my .xml tonight.

Is xpadder an easy tool? is there a manual for it and can it be used in xbmc eden?
xpadder is super simple...its entirely a guided GUI and it has a well written website faq too...the hardest thing to do is going on the site and finding a pic you like for your 360 controller (you have to copy it to the clipboard and paste it into the GUI) then you add the buttons...you get a bunch of possible key mapping "modes" (which are I think 8 choices of entirely customized keymaps...so it's great for emulators...my remote is mapped for classic NES, N64, PS1, SEGA, not to mention a XBMC remote and a file manager mode)

once you finish the guided set up, at anytime you can change the keymap again with the simple gui...it cost $10, but I would highly recommend it...not only is it compatible in eden but any program on your computer...since the keymap just sends keystrokes and mouse gestures (there are also toggle and rapid fire modes) so anything you can do with a keyboard and mouse you can do with your 360 controller.
The great thing about using a keymap instead of external software is that you easily can switch between actions depending on the view you are in.
So while playing video your B-Button might work as the "Escape"-key on your keyboard, but when in tv-show-listing it might be used as "Tabulator". This is the reason why I decided to ditch my external program in favour of my own keymap.

When looking at my keymap-example and the button-assignment, I notice that there is something off... might be that I didn't write it down correctly, I'll check tonight. Maybe I made a mistake in the above posting about the mapping (my example keymap doesn't map the left analog-stick left/up/right/down by the way).

Another tool should not be unmentioned then, if you want to go that road:

Pinnacle Game Profiler - I think it is a little bit more comfortable and easier to use (although the last time I actually used xpadder was several years ago - so it might have gotten way better), but the price-tag is also a little bit more hefty: $25 . Still think it's worth it - for the automatic profiles alone (Pinnacle will search your computer for games and then checks against a database if there are usable profiles and applies them automatically). It also works with every controller, at least every controller I know of.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

I agree henry, I just suggest a UI keymapper for the simplicity

Also, in xpadder you can switch keymap profiles with the click of a button
(2012-06-03, 19:48)HenryFord Wrote: can you post your keymap? I could check it then...
(you can use pastebin.org to post the keymap)

Here you can find my xml

I'll check in in-depth later for the mapping of the left joystick, I'll let you know.

What I can find from the first glance is that you partly use
<axis limit="0" id="3">AnalogRewind</axis>
<axis limit="0" id="6">AnalogFastForward</axis>
Limit 0 is not a valid limit. For explanation: The limit determines in which direction the stick is pressed. The analog-stick has two axis - one is for vertical and one is for horizontal movement (hence a single joystick has two axis-ids). The limit has to be either "+1" (for up on the horizontal axis or rigth on the vertical axis) or "-1" (for down on the horizontal axis or left on the vertical axis).
The trigger-buttons of the xbox-controller is also an axis (because you can push it down with different strength). Here the limits are for "left" and "right" - "+1" is pressing the left trigger, "-1" is pressing the right trigger.
I don't think that there is an axis with the id 6 either (I'm thinking that the left analog-stick has the ids 1 and 2, for the horizontal and vertical axis respectively), but that I have to check. I'll let you know later.

Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Thnx so far, i will wait for your reply
The following is for the left joystick:

<axis limit="-1" id="2"></axis>
<axis limit="+1" id="2"></axis>
<axis limit="+1" id="1"></axis>
<axis limit="-1" id="1"></axis>

I updated the first post accordingly.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Thnx, will give it a try
(2012-06-05, 19:48)g.scholtens Wrote: Thnx so far, i will wait for your reply

Sorry doesn't work. Same problem. Will try xpadder, or have you still other options?
sorry - at loss here... there is literally no reason why it shouldn't work...
Does nothing work? Neither pressing up/down nor pressing left/right?
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Thanks to your helpful post I've got my xbox controller working. The only issue I'm having is that if I add the following entries to use the left analog stick, it's way too sensitive. The selection just flies across the screen. Any tips?

<axis limit="-1" id="2">Up</axis>
<axis limit="+1" id="2">Down</axis>
<axis limit="-1" id="1">Right</axis>
<axis limit="+1" id="1">Left</axis>
I'm wondering why doesn't XBMC include a .xml file for the xbox 360 wireless controller instead of having the users go through such hassle to tweak it. Something matching the XBMC for Xbox controls should be easy to include in the XBMC package.
I agree - don't know why it wouldn't be in the default keymaps...
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.


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[Windows]Setup XBox Controller with keymap.xml1
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