[Windows]Setup XBox Controller with keymap.xml
XBMC does include this by default.. https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/Eden/s...roller.xml

It's with all the other default keymaps.
I always wondered about that keymap... and yet never looked into it...
However - the keymap doesn't work under windows because the joystick name doesn't match:
<joystick name="Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver">

Would it be possible to include an altname to that default-config in order to make it work out of the box for windows?
This is the name in my configuration which works fine:
Controller (Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows)
I don't know, but there might be other names around there.
Is that keymap also supposed to cover the wired controller? If so, you could add another altname for the windows' crowd:
Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)

Thanks for your comment on this one.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Um, I can't get it to work. I made a text file named "joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.360.Controller.xml" (without the "). The log showed my controller as "Controller (Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows)", so I made the name like that.
I put it in the keymap folder in the appdata directory. But it still wont work! Please help!
Mhm - did you try to enable debug logging?
Can you post your keymap and the logfile somewhere (pastebin.org for example)?
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

well I came looking for this topic and it was on the front page Smile after tearing my hair out for hours I found a keymap file somewhere on google that got my wired xbox 360 controller up and running. one thing team xbmc needs to realize is that not everyone who would like to use xbmc knows how to write xml scripts. i sure dont. i plan on learning but time is a factor.
anywho i just have 1 question about the xbox controller in xbmc.. is it possible to use the left analog stick to control the mouse curser? if so can anyone post up the code i need to add to my keymap file? everything else with my keymap seems to be working i can navigate with the D-pad and all it just seems the left analog does nothing.... while the right controls volume. Thanks.

EDIT: Ironically I used the "example" keymap file on the first post of this thread and it functions exactly the same as the other one i found... may even be the same one.either way the d pad still controls navigation and left stick does nothing. though the naming convention for the controller worked with my controller. i did not even have to rename it.
on another note if you use an external player like tmt5 or powerdvd in xbmc like i do the controller wont do anything while in that program so that is an area where you would have to use x-padder by making an xpadder profile that kicks in when tmt5 is started.....

(2012-09-06, 20:56)HenryFord Wrote: Mhm - did you try to enable debug logging?
Can you post your keymap and the logfile somewhere (pastebin.org for example)?

Okay, link is below and thanx for replying so fast!Big Grin


PS: I did enable debug logging, it didn't seem to help.
(2012-09-07, 21:45)Spitfire47 Wrote: Okay, link is below and thanx for replying so fast!Big Grin


PS: I did enable debug logging, it didn't seem to help.
No problem!

Can't see anything wrong with the keymap right now... It may help to delete the "<altname>"-lines from the file, seeing as it contains the same name as the "<name>"-part...

Of course it doesn't help if you don't post the log Wink
I'm on vacation for the next week, so I'm unable to help then... when I'm back I'll look into it.
Just leave the log here, maybe someone else is able to help as well.
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

(2012-09-07, 22:27)HenryFord Wrote:
(2012-09-07, 21:45)Spitfire47 Wrote: Okay, link is below and thanx for replying so fast!Big Grin


PS: I did enable debug logging, it didn't seem to help.
No problem!

Can't see anything wrong with the keymap right now... It may help to delete the "<altname>"-lines from the file, seeing as it contains the same name as the "<name>"-part...

Of course it doesn't help if you don't post the log Wink
I'm on vacation for the next week, so I'm unable to help then... when I'm back I'll look into it.
Just leave the log here, maybe someone else is able to help as well.
Okay, it's weird but I hope we could solve this. The log is below.

22:49:45 T:5684 NOTICE: Enabled Joystick: Controller (Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows)
22:49:45 T:5684 NOTICE: Details: Total Axis: 5 Total Hats: 1 Total Buttons: 10
I'd need the whole logfile...
Also: Did you change the keyfile (i.e. deleted the <altname>-entries)?
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

(2012-06-22, 06:28)supermatty Wrote: Thanks to your helpful post I've got my xbox controller working. The only issue I'm having is that if I add the following entries to use the left analog stick, it's way too sensitive. The selection just flies across the screen. Any tips?

<axis limit="-1" id="2">Up</axis>
<axis limit="+1" id="2">Down</axis>
<axis limit="-1" id="1">Right</axis>
<axis limit="+1" id="1">Left</axis>

I'm having exactly the same problem, did you ever find a solution?

(2012-10-06, 15:02)darksupernova Wrote: I'm having exactly the same problem, did you ever find a solution?

There's no solution since you cannot adjust the behaviour of the joystick. Since the joystick is an axis, every time you move on that axis by for example pressing the stick up, the key-press is fired. You can't adjust the delay inbetween XBMC sees the axis as being moved. What one would have to do is finetuning XBMC into recognizing the analog-stick-movement just every X seconds instead of X milliseconds (I suppose it's some small amount - 5ms or something like that). Since you can't do that, you can't use the analog stick for vertical/horizontal movement, the selection "flies across" as being said.
The simple solution would be to use the D-Pad instead...

Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

Hey, thanks for your reply!

Thats a real shame, I keep forgetting and adjusting the volume instead! Maybe one day Smile

(2012-10-22, 18:18)HenryFord Wrote:
(2012-10-06, 15:02)darksupernova Wrote: I'm having exactly the same problem, did you ever find a solution?

There's no solution since you cannot adjust the behaviour of the joystick. Since the joystick is an axis, every time you move on that axis by for example pressing the stick up, the key-press is fired. You can't adjust the delay inbetween XBMC sees the axis as being moved. What one would have to do is finetuning XBMC into recognizing the analog-stick-movement just every X seconds instead of X milliseconds (I suppose it's some small amount - 5ms or something like that). Since you can't do that, you can't use the analog stick for vertical/horizontal movement, the selection "flies across" as being said.
The simple solution would be to use the D-Pad instead...


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[Windows]Setup XBox Controller with keymap.xml1
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