[MOD] "Bugfixes"
This Mod changes the way Shade handles some stuff that I don't like and will eventually add new features




Revision 1
- Change thumbs at Info Dialog at TV shows season level so they are not squished
- Makes the container for Runtime on the Info Dialog bigger so it doesn't cut the runtime if bigger than 2 digits
- Change poster size in Alternate Movie Posters View

Revision 2
- Changed includes.xml so there is no visualization when tvtunes is working

Revision 3
- Modified most of the other views so Posters have a 1.45:1 aspect ratio
Any updates on the fixes for the aspect ratio of posters in your mods?
Hey, yes have some more views done but got all mixed up with another mod, will sort out things by the weekend, only movie posters so far Big Grin


This is the mod chewing my free time up, my new home screen
dan1son Wrote:Any updates on the fixes for the aspect ratio of posters in your mods?

Ok, update uploaded, some are missing since I couldn't figure them out yet, let me know If I'm missing one you consider important
Looking good. I definitely appreciate your efforts.

I take a look at it later tonight. I have some dinner plans with the wife.

it could be great if you make Now Playing in the Home Menu a litle more bigger, the default skin ist a litle to small...
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| 500Gb Samsung + 320Gb + 1,5Tb | Windows 7 Professional 64Bits | Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium| Creative Inspire T6160 5.1
| XBMC mit Night | Philips 220SW + AOC M2752V:sniffle:
Well this one is bigger already, maybe I can do something though
I tried to install this on my AppleTV2 and I just get "updating, please wait" for infinity. Is there a way to use this or am I screwed to a reboot?
I don't have an AppleTV2 so I can't test, this is a mod not a full skin, not sure how you installed it.

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