Any way to stream al jazeera english into XBMC?
kar200 Wrote:Works here too - apple tv with Sam's image.

Also was wondeting where to get those URI's with the stream address from? Is there like a website that lists them as it is so easy just to add a few there.


The only other two live stream URLs I have are for NASA TV and the live feed from the ISS:


I too would like to know where to get more of them, or a simple how to on how to use rtmpdump (or other tools) to figure them out would even be useful.
i was able to use it in apple tv2. thanks

is possible to get al djazeera arabic channel?

Thanks a lot for ur time.
I found a bunch more live feed streams (using rtmpdump, piping into mplayer) here:

Based on our discussion here, I also started a new HOW-TO thread, explaining how to get live streaming feeds into XBMC:

There are a few more examples in that thread, as well as general instructions on converting those nasty rtmpdump command lines into something XBMC recognizes!

In Travelling Guy's How-To thread, I've added CSPAN 1, 2, 3, and CNN Live 2 (arabic).

Also, broke down the Al Jazeera rtdump into sections so you can see how it all works together.
Thanks so much for this!
you can watch :

Al jazeera english HD

or arabic in :

Al jazzera tv live HD
Awesome. You rock TravellingGuy!
YES! Thanks a TON for that strm syntax. It looks great...
For whatever reason, I couldn't get TravelingGuy's strm to show up in the file browser, so I made a video addon. If anyone needs it, just drop in to the addons folder to install.
Wish there was a way to get CNN Live to work within xmbc...
I have made the .strm file and placed it in a folder that xbmc can see. When I go to that folder in xbmc on my apple tv 2g I do not see the file. Can someone who was successful using an aTV2g comment?
dieselboy27 Wrote:I have made the .strm file and placed it in a folder that xbmc can see. When I go to that folder in xbmc on my apple tv 2g I do not see the file. Can someone who was successful using an aTV2g comment?

The addon that I made works with an ATV2. drop it in /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons
maybewehitamoos Wrote:The addon that I made works with an ATV2. drop it in /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons

Ok, I followed your instructions and it did show up. I am used to installing from .zip usually.

I still don't understand why those .strm files aren't working. I have seen those other feeds and it would have been nice to add them.

Thanks for your help, I'm glad to finally have Al Jazeera on my aTV. Smile

Update: Ok I figured out why the .strm files were not showing in xbmc. I didn't have hide extensions for known filetypes unchecked. Noob fail. In either case I'm ecstatic that it's working!
I've tried using the al-jazeera.strm file but i only get this error message in my log when i try to run it

Quote:15:53:54 T:3041662864 M:1405276160 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: rtmp:// playpath=aljazeera_en_veryhigh?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= pageURL= app=aljazeeraflashlive-live?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= swfUrl= swfVfy=true live=true
15:53:54 T:3041662864 M:1405276160 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 ERROR: HandleInvoke, rtmp server sent error
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 ERROR: HandleInvoke, rtmp server requested close
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 0
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 ERROR: Unsupported video codec
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 WARNING: OpenVideoStream - Unsupported stream 0. Stream disabled.
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1405276160 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 0
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 ERROR: Unsupported audio codec
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 WARNING: OpenAudioStream - Unsupported stream 1. Stream disabled.
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 WARNING: Process - Could not detect frame rate for: rtmp:// playpath=aljazeera_en_veryhigh?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= pageURL= app=aljazeeraflashlive-live?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= swfUrl= swfVfy=true live=true. Using default of 25.000 fps for conversion of any commercial break frame markers to times.
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
15:53:54 T:2842028944 M:1404612608 NOTICE: Deleted CRTMP
15:53:54 T:3041662864 M:1404612608 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [rtmp:// playpath=aljazeera_en_veryhigh?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= pageURL= app=aljazeeraflashlive-live?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= swfUrl= swfVfy=true live=true]
15:53:54 T:3041662864 M:1404612608 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
15:53:54 T:3041662864 M:1404612608 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
15:53:54 T:3041662864 M:1404612608 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
15:53:54 T:3041662864 M:1404612608 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting

Any clue what the issue is? System is a asrock running xbmc live (ubuntu)
I also get an error using a strm file created based on what was outlined here..

I have an ATV1 with XBMC 9.11 on it..

13:00:13 T:2684407808 M: 34058240  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: rtmp:// playpath=aljazeera_en_veryhigh?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= pageURL= app=aljazeeraflashlive-live?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= swfUrl= swfVfy=true live=true
13:00:13 T:2684407808 M: 33787904 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
13:00:13 T:45183488 M: 33783808  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
13:00:13 T:45183488 M: 33751040 WARNING: HandShake, client signiture does not match!
13:00:13 T:45183488 M: 33751040  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080   ERROR: HandleInvoke, rtmp server sent error
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080   ERROR: HandleInvoke, rtmp server requested close
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 0
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080   ERROR: Unsupported video codec
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080 WARNING: OpenVideoStream - Unsupported stream 0. Stream disabled.
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 0
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080   ERROR: Unsupported audio codec
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080 WARNING: OpenAudioStream - Unsupported stream 1. Stream disabled.
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080 WARNING: Process - Could not detect frame rate for: rtmp:// playpath=aljazeera_en_veryhigh?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= pageURL= app=aljazeeraflashlive-live?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= swfUrl= swfVfy=true live=true. Using default of 25.000 fps for conversion of any commercial break frame markers to times.
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
13:00:14 T:45183488 M: 33710080  NOTICE: Deleted CRTMP
13:00:14 T:2684407808 M: 33718272   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [rtmp:// playpath=aljazeera_en_veryhigh?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= pageURL= app=aljazeeraflashlive-live?videoId=747084146001&lineUpId=&pubId=665003303001&playerId=751182905001&affiliateId= swfUrl= swfVfy=true live=true]
13:00:14 T:2684407808 M: 33718272  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
13:00:14 T:2684407808 M: 33718272 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
13:00:14 T:2684407808 M: 33718272  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
13:00:14 T:2684407808 M: 33759232  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting


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