Any way to stream al jazeera english into XBMC?
Nevermind, I didn't realize the latest version of XBMC was available for the first-gen ATV.

After I updated, the strm file worked. I might need to go with the standard stream though, this one seems choppy and buffers a lot. I don't have problems when I watch it on my desktop.
dke1 Wrote:I've tried using the al-jazeera.strm file but i only get this error message in my log when i try to run it

Any clue what the issue is? System is a asrock running xbmc live (ubuntu)

Probably the issue I had.. not running the latest version of XBMC
I've created a World News Live plugin which includes Al Jazeera Live, CSPAN and CNN with a bunch more coming.
I've been trying for days to get this to work on my ATV2, but it seems to always give a plug-in error. Can anyone who has gotten this to work elaborate a bit? It looks to me like the version of XBMC on the ATV2 is not compatible.
Please donot mind .I am a newbie.I am requesting that there must be a " Guide for Newbies" to get the tv of one's choice.I donot know how to install/add live tv.Kindly help me how to get worlds news tv like Canadian/usa/BBC/CNN/India,Pakistan .
If there exist any forum links,kindly direct me there.I have Android 4.1 TV USB box.

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