PseudoTV Channel Pack and PseudoTV Channel Kit
Nice work! Nod
where can i download this? is this working with eden?

where is the video playlist folder.on the computer or in the apple confused and im about to throw this laptop across the room this makes no sense at all!!!!!!
hi all i got this error Unable to populate channels. Please Verify that yoy have scraped media in your library and that you have properly configured channels, can some1 help me i Have Windows 7
I have no idea how to set this up!
1. Download the zip file. The files are versioned, so download the latest version. ----OK
3. Unzip the PseudoTV_Channel_Pack file to your video playlist folder.--- OK, extracted to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\playlists\video
Not sure if that is actually where I was supposed to put them, because that does not make sense to me.
4. Select the channels you want to use from the Pseudo-TV Channels (Channel_X) and rename them to Channel_1.xsd, Channel_2.xsd, etc. to build your own channel listing.
"Pseudo-TV Channels (Channel_X):" no idea what that means....
I am guessing I go into the playlists\video folder and rename the channels I want to use from .xsp to .xsd? Although I do not see how that would do anything unless I dragged the channel to the "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\addon_data\script.pseudotv\cache" folder.

And then I use this post so I know what each channel is, so I know if I want it?

I am not really sure what to do... all I know is that following the Install directions yields zero results. Smile
Thread must be dead. Poster did not put up correct instructions and never came back to check on the thread. This is unusable. Don't waste your time.
I agree. This is not really working for me either. Could someone please simplify this?
Hello,I have 2 question about PseudoTv setup? First is placing the package icons in folder, I can not find the location of Pseudotv folder.
The window system i am running is win 7 and vista on two of my boxes and I have the same problem with both. I can find the xbmc install folder under programs/xbmc/addons/ but i do not see pseudo folder under any folder (I have checked all folders).

Second question is I would like to create a folder (smb directory folder) with all my show in one folder or playlist but unsure how to setup.

My current setup is Networked (smb) into 2 servers with all my media.

Can anyone help?

Last question i have my movies setup the following way

Action movies
Drama movies
Western movies


on 5 tb harddrives

does pseudotv scan all the folders and hdds?

How to set this up, can anyone please help?
Hi, really would be better if the installation instructions were a little more detailed. I don't have a playlist folder, so should i create one, and where should i put it.

Really quant a little more veriaty on PseudoTV.

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