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[RELEASE] Fastpasstv.com (Video) Addon

I tested this and it seems that it happens only with megavideo, other flv sources work ok.

What happens: when a megavideo link is played and try to load a locally existing sub the player / xbmc just hangs at "working". I had to kill the app every time.

Weird thing is that if the source is other flv link or avi, the panel shows with no problem.

The log doesn't give any info about it, the only time I did see something useful was only when I left xbmc hang for about 10 minutes and after killing it I saw in the log something like "time out waiting for panel to appear".

I tested 2 megavideo links from different movies and same thing happens.

Using 10.1 release (update from 10.0, no fresh install) on WinXP SP3.


Here is the log:
05:55:47 T:3312 M:1874702336  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
05:55:48 T:3312 M:1872015360  NOTICE: Mode: 15
05:55:48 T:3312 M:1872015360  NOTICE: URL: http://www.fastpasstv.eu/watch/2/221411/1
05:55:48 T:3312 M:1872015360  NOTICE: Name: Megavideo (flv) #12
05:55:48 T:3312 M:1872015360  NOTICE: PAGE
05:55:51 T:2780 M:1872359424 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 6
05:55:52 T:2780 M:1869045760  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: http://www1361.megavideo.com/files/4e42ca5a172ab8156a6999cb8b040cba/?.flv
05:55:52 T:2780 M:1869045760 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
05:55:52 T:3836 M:1869033472  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1868988416  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1869688832  NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1869688832  NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1869684736  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1869668352  NOTICE: Creating video thread
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1869664256  NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1869664256  NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1868476416  NOTICE: Creating audio thread
05:55:53 T:808 M:1868361728  NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
05:55:53 T:3836 M:1868357632 WARNING: CDVDPlayer::CheckContinuity - wrapback of stream:2, prev:21000.000000, curr:0.000000, diff:-21000.000000
05:55:53 T:808 M:1868357632  NOTICE: Creating audio device with codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through
05:55:53 T:1840 M:1863770112  NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
05:55:53 T:1840 M:1863753728  NOTICE:  fps: 23.976025, pwidth: 416, pheight: 224, dwidth: 397, dheight: 224
05:55:53 T:1840 M:1863471104 WARNING: CRenderManager::Configure - timeout waiting for previous frame
05:55:53 T:1840 M:1863471104  NOTICE: Display resolution DESKTOP : 1440x900 @ 75.00 - Full Screen (12)
05:55:53 T:1840 M:1863421952 WARNING: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 14, consumed: 0
05:55:53 T:2780 M:1865134080 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
05:55:53 T:2780 M:1865134080 WARNING: CD3DTexture::Create - format changed from 28 to 21
05:57:14 T:1840 M:1845039104 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
05:57:14 T:1840 M:1845039104 WARNING: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 1782, consumed: 0
05:59:33 T:1840 M:1817079808 WARNING: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 1668, consumed: 0
nixa Wrote:(2) The video hoster server response time is very very slow thus xbmc cuts the stream automatically. (You will see the message "Working...Please Wait" but stopped after 30-40 seconds.

I think that this issue can be partially solved raising the "curlclienttimeout" property in advancedsettings.xml:


At least for me it seems to work.
ghizzu Wrote:I think that this issue can be partially solved raising the "curlclienttimeout" property in advancedsettings.xml:


At least for me it seems to work.

Where is this file located? I tried a search for it and didn't find it.

Do you talk about settings.xml which is in
or a different setting file which affects xbmc and all its plugins?
john.doe Wrote:Where is this file located? I tried a search for it and didn't find it.

Hi there are there any plans to add the cartoon section of fastpasstv to the addon?
Not sure exactly how this has been happening but everytime I try to load a video from wootly via the FPT plugin I get a message saying that the video.plugin.fpt script failed. This is what I see in the log file and since I dont know python I am not exactly sure what is going on with the script but it looks fine to me.

I did try to hit the URL given a few lines into this log and I am taken to a wootly human verification page where I have to click a button to continue to load the video through the browser. My guess is that wootly added that step and now the script gets caught up in the process but I wanted to see if other users are experiencing the same issues (I figure that someone would have said something by now).

BTW, I am on script version 2.4.9

20:04:58 T:2757151600 M:965595136  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
20:04:59 T:2757151600 M:964067328  NOTICE: Mode: 6
20:04:59 T:2757151600 M:964067328  NOTICE: URL: http://www.fastpasstv.com/movies/sucker-punch-2011/
20:04:59 T:2757151600 M:964067328  NOTICE: Name: Sucker Punch
20:04:59 T:2757151600 M:964067328  NOTICE: PAGE
20:05:04 T:2757151600 M:964083712  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
20:05:05 T:2757151600 M:964087808  NOTICE: Mode: 7
20:05:05 T:2757151600 M:964087808  NOTICE: URL: http://www.fastpasstv.eu/watch/1/66092/1
20:05:05 T:2757151600 M:964087808  NOTICE: Name: Wootly (mp4) #4
20:05:05 T:2757151600 M:964087808  NOTICE: PAGE
20:05:08 T:2757151600 M:964091904   ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.IndexError
20:05:08 T:2757151600 M:964091904   ERROR: Error Contents: list index out of range
20:05:08 T:2757151600 M:964091904   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/renegade/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.fpt/default.py", line 837, in ?
                                              File "/home/renegade/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.fpt/default.py", line 277, in WOOT
                                                hashshort =  re.compile("video(.+?)flvplayer").findall(link)[0]
                                            IndexError: list index out of range
20:05:09 T:3054503808 M:964091904   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.fpt/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fastpasstv.eu%2Fwatch%2F1%2F66092%2F1&mode=7&name=Wootly+%28mp4%29+%234
20:05:09 T:3054503808 M:964091904   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.fpt/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fastpasstv.eu%2Fwatch%2F1%2F66092%2F1&mode=7&name=Wootly+%28mp4%29+%234) failed
this is an awesome addon, it worked great untill a few weeks ago. now almost no videos work anymore....
for example: most watched videos for today: the ultimate fighter. widely available on the website with various links, but in the addon in xbmc none of the links work.

im so willing to donate, but at the moment it doesnt work well. if i can do something let meknow!

turns out, my login was wrong. i think that did the trick. now a lot more sources work. i'll donate! Smile
nixa Wrote:The first developer was python guru named Voinage. Since end of 2009, I have taken responsibility to maintain this video addon within Voinage's thread. Over time, I build my own codes so I think it would be appropriate to start my own thread on this addon.

Note: As of v2.4.7, the addon supports apexvid.com, putlocker, wootly, vidxden, wisevid, megavideo, novamov and vidbux only.

PLugins work very well.
Just two things (which appear since a few days now), perhaps the site changed some things:

1.) sometimes the lists (all tv shows for example) don't load.
2.) since today Putlocker (some episodes of freinds are on it) doesn't' work (they ususally do and they do from the site)
3.) is it possible to add the other sources too? like videobb etc.?

thx for your effort, great plugin
hi nixa,

have tried to get this plugin to work with xbmc.mylibrary...

in order for it to archive properly it needs a "file" rather than a "trigger".

it appears at the play bit of fastpasstv, the buffering has already started before the play button is selected, is there any way of changing this??

kind regards

lefty420 Wrote:Hi there are there any plans to add the cartoon section of fastpasstv to the addon?

Was wondering the same thing myself. It appears the search hits the cartoon section and you can add it as a directory but it won't list episodes.

Great add-on regardless. Cheers.
Greaat plugin! Thanks for your work on this. It's been working great for a couple months but stopped today. Relevant details:

ATV2, Dharma 10.1, latest version of the Addon


Suggestions or assistance of any kind is appreciated.
eTip Wrote:Anyone?

The website appears to be offline. Hopefully it's not permanent.
Crap. Guess I should have checked that! Thanks for the response & I also hope it's not permanent.
eTip Wrote:Crap. Guess I should have checked that! Thanks for the response & I also hope it's not permanent.

It's not looking good for Fastpass...but I found an alternative which seems to have a large database of shows as well.


I'd be great to see an addon for that site. Nod
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[RELEASE] Fastpasstv.com (Video) Addon1
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