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[RELEASE] Fastpasstv.com (Video) Addon
Darn. When I saw this thread had been updated, I was really hoping you were posting that it was back! You should create a new thread & request an Addon for the site you posted.
not sure if this has been posted elsewhere


"Dear users, recently we have had our worst days in the site's history where we seen our domain and servers taken by the authotirities. We have managed to recover the site from our back ups though it might be that some data is still missing, we are however pleased to announce that we managed to recover most of the movies and the tv shows links. We have relaunched the site back on http://www.fastpasstv.ms and are back up and running in full glory! we will do everything in our power to remain online so that we can provide you with the best and fastest videos online! "
Sranshaft Wrote:It's not looking good for Fastpass...but I found an alternative which seems to have a large database of shows as well.


I'd be great to see an addon for that site. Nod

You can access this site via bosemans playlist on the navi-x addon for xbmc temp fix for now anyways Smile
lefty420 Wrote:You can access this site via bosemans playlist on the navi-x addon for xbmc temp fix for now anyways Smile

I second that!

PS: Is this plugin being updated any longer?
PKOneTwo Wrote:PS: Is this plugin being updated any longer?

I hope so. My wife is constantly asking whether it's working on not. I had a look and was able to get it to show the listings again for All TV shows but once I drill down to get the episode links to play nothing is returned.
I assume editing the current add-on to match the new domain name and minimal site changes should not be a major effort.

Nixa, are you going to fix it?
Or can anyone else give it a try?

I really liked this add-on...
Zed_boy Wrote:I assume editing the current add-on to match the new domain name and minimal site changes should not be a major effort.

Nixa, are you going to fix it?
Or can anyone else give it a try?

I really liked this add-on...

Second that... really liked the documentaries.SadHuh
I tried editing. It works but the links don't show up. Needs a little coding work I guess.
Their login is down. Registration is closed too. But you don't need to login to watch on their website ATM.
Was wondering if this might be getting updated soon? Great addon! Someone said this is on boseman's playlist in Navi-X but i didn't see it in his playlist,am i mistaken?
Sorry for the hiatus. I was transferred (due to my profession) to a country where it is hard for me to reach major file-sharing or video streaming sites. Nevertheless, long live XBMC users.
Welcome back Nixa, great to hear you are well - I had wondered what had happened to you. As the Fastpasstv site has moved, is there any chance you'd be able to change the plugin code for the new site at http://www.fastpasstv.ms/

If you no longer have the time would you prefer if someone else took a look and updated it? I am currently still learning the basics of coding so am still a while off but can offer services soon hopefully if you need any help.

Also, thanks to Temhil us xbox users can now install the newer style addons but Fastpasstv needs one line of code changed for it to be universal. Is there any chance you could change line 51 (in default.py) to the following:

fptpath = 'special://temp/'
Sranshaft Wrote:It's not looking good for Fastpass...but I found an alternative which seems to have a large database of shows as well.


I'd be great to see an addon for that site. Nod

lefty420 Wrote:You can access this site via bosemans playlist on the navi-x addon for xbmc temp fix for now anyways Smile

Where can I get the http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/ playlist for navi-x?

Big Grin
Did anyone see this news about fastpasstv? http://torrentfreak.com/fastpasstv-shuts-down-110529/
whufclee Wrote:Welcome back Nixa, great to hear you are well - I had wondered what had happened to you. As the Fastpasstv site has moved, is there any chance you'd be able to change the plugin code for the new site at http://www.fastpasstv.ms/

If you no longer have the time would you prefer if someone else took a look and updated it? I am currently still learning the basics of coding so am still a while off but can offer services soon hopefully if you need any help.

Also, thanks to Temhil us xbox users can now install the newer style addons but Fastpasstv needs one line of code changed for it to be universal. Is there any chance you could change line 51 (in default.py) to the following:

fptpath = 'special://temp/'

Smile Thanks mate.

As for the recently site changes, this addon seems is no longer effective. I think the webmasters are trying to put things back as it should be and the login authentication is still missing and I will give a few more days or else maybe I need to write little bit more to cope with the current style and the line 51 will go as proposed (credits to Temhil).
Great stuff, thanks. Like I say I'm new to coding so still learning but the change to line 51 appears to work on both xbox and PC for me, I presume it should also work on the other platforms? If not maybe you know of a better bit of code - I'll leave it in your hands as you're the expert!
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[RELEASE] Fastpasstv.com (Video) Addon1
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