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[RELEASE] Fastpasstv.com (Video) Addon
Nixa, Is there any update coming out to fix fastpasstv?
rogerthis Wrote:Nixa, Is there any update coming out to fix fastpasstv?

Hey Nixa,
Any chance a update might be soon since the Icefilms keeps having problems?I really liked this plugin since it had such a great variety! I wish i knew how to do it myself!But not good stuff like that.
Many thanks!
the fastpasstv website got taken down didnt it?
Nope it moved to http://www.fastpasstv.ms/
Just waiting for someone to update the Plugin for us


Thanks all
dallasnights Wrote:Nope it moved to http://www.fastpasstv.ms/
Just waiting for someone to update the Plugin for us


Thanks all

^^ it's a fairly easy job .... open the script , modify the URLs in it ... It worked for me but unfortunately the site registration is closed :'(
binary-zero Wrote:^^ it's a fairly easy job .... open the script , modify the URLs in it ... It worked for me but unfortunately the site registration is closed :'(

So do you have a working version that you could upload for us that already have registrations? Not really sure what the URLs need changing too.
binary-zero Wrote:^^ it's a fairly easy job .... open the script , modify the URLs in it ... It worked for me but unfortunately the site registration is closed :'(

I did this awhile back when they first switched to the new address. After changing every instance of the old address to fastpasstv.ms, I can get everything up to the sources working properly. If you have one that is working, I'm sure a lot of us would love to get a chance to use it.
I saw an update for this and now it is working!Whoever updated it.....MANY THANKS!
where did you see the update, please share the link
It just said there was an updated available so first i enabled plugin and then updated from there.I had it disabled since it was broke hoping someone would update.
Yes mine also updated earlier which got me very excited, however I didn't realise you need new login details with the new site and registrations are closed Sad I loved Fastpasstv, come on open up registrations again!
According to the changelog.txt

- dropped authentication

You don't need to login. However, a lot of stuff is broken. Not the plugins fault.
So is this actually working for anyone? I'm getting a script error on launch, I've even deleted my fpt info from userdata and uninstalled/reinstalled the plugin but same problem. If you have got it running are you using login details and what build are you running as I'm still on 10.1. Cheers.
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[RELEASE] Fastpasstv.com (Video) Addon1
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