[RELEASE] The Pirate Bay (program) add-on
Is it possible to having it save to a network path? i can only see C: up now. I have serveral htpc around in the house and i dont want a client on every htpc. I tryed to see in the settings in appdata but didnt see anything.

Btw, awesome addon!

Tried to install this on the iPad but getting script errors?
Im having issues with this addon and my atv2. I have it up and running on 3 other xbmc, but they are all running windows 7. Is there any other having problem with this addon on atv?

I have tryed to install it manualy and via the repo. When i try via the repo xbmc crashes everytime without any crashlog

If i install it manualy i get a script error. I have edit the setting so i can save my torrents to my smb server. The addon works fine if i save on some random like like /var/mobile/

Debug logg: http://pastebin.com/VHN2tsJs

Any tips?
I think this is only meant for pc,s with torrent clients installed on them. How did you think you could use this on the apple tv 2
I'm working on an update, give me a day or two.
bladeds Wrote:I think this is only meant for pc,s with torrent clients installed on them. How did you think you could use this on the apple tv 2

All addons are python, witch usualy means cross plattfrom. The addon works on atv, but only if you save the torrent on the atv. I need to save it to my server in order to get it picked up for my main computer.

Thanks divingmule, looking forward to it. Great news, atv is where i really need it, on the computers i can always open the browser and save the torrent to the path myself. Kinda hard on the atv :/
Thumbs Up 
Hows it comming with the fix?

Btw, is it possible to get a msg when the torrent its downloaded. Just a confermation that the torrent have been downloaded to the "blackhole" where the client picks it up?

I love this addon!
PirateBay - 0.1.0 for XBMC Eden
Download Zip - http://divingmules-repo.googlecode.com/f...-0.1.0.zip

Make sure to choose your download location and sort method in the add-on settings.

Hopefully iOS, ATV2 users will be able to save files to a smb:// location (don't have one to test with).

Let me know if anything doesn't work as expected.

hellow Wrote:Btw, is it possible to get a msg when the torrent its downloaded. Just a confermation that the torrent have been downloaded to the "blackhole" where the client picks it up?!

I would expect a script error if it fails.
Working like a charm, but it seem to be missing some catagorys that it had before, hi-res movies and high -res -tv show. Are you planning to add them? Great work!

divingmule Wrote:PirateBay - 0.1.0 for XBMC Eden
Download Zip - http://divingmules-repo.googlecode.com/f...-0.1.0.zip

Make sure to choose your download location and sort method in the add-on settings.

Hopefully iOS, ATV2 users will be able to save files to a smb:// location (don't have one to test with).

Let me know if anything doesn't work as expected.

I would expect a script error if it fails.
hellow Wrote:Working like a charm, but it seem to be missing some catagorys that it had before, hi-res movies and high -res -tv show. Are you planning to add them? Great work!

Thanks, I didn't notice. I will see about fixing it.
Testet this one with APPLE TV2, and it runs just fine, but i cant set a download directory outside the home dir. Is there something i´ve missed, or is this still not a option?
Your missing something. I can't add any other then home in the xbmc gui. But if you edit settings.xml you can set any patch you want to.

On atv2 the file is located:


lhdaland Wrote:Testet this one with APPLE TV2, and it runs just fine, but i cant set a download directory outside the home dir. Is there something i´ve missed, or is this still not a option?
Great. It's the only catagorys i use Smile

divingmule Wrote:Thanks, I didn't notice. I will see about fixing it.
lhdaland Wrote:Testet this one with APPLE TV2, and it runs just fine, but i cant set a download directory outside the home dir. Is there something i´ve missed, or is this still not a option?

Oo Could you try adding the source in, System> file manager? Then check the add-on settings.

Another thing, sometimes you may have to use '...' to go back in the file tree.
hellow Wrote:Your missing something. I can't add any other then home in the xbmc gui. But if you edit settings.xml you can set any patch you want to.

On atv2 the file is located:


Thanks! That did the trick Smile

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[RELEASE] The Pirate Bay (program) add-on0
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