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[AppleTV2] HOW TO Stop ATV2 from checking for updates and CRASHING
This seems to be missed by a lot of people and as a result some people are updating to stop XBMC from "crashing"...

SSH into your Apple TV 2 using either Putty if your a Windows user or the Mac/Linux terminal

For Linux/Mac users "ssh root@ipaddress" when prompted enter the password, probably alpine if you haven't changed it.

Backup your hosts file:
cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak

Paste the below commands, this adds entries to the hosts file that effectively block updates.

echo " appldnld.apple.com" >> /etc/hosts
echo " mesu.apple.com" >> /etc/hosts
echo " appldnld.apple.com.edgesuite.net" >> /etc/hosts

If you need/want to restore the original hosts file do the reverse:
cp /etc/hosts.bak /etc/hosts

dtviewer's instructions for using putty under Windows
JediKnight2's instructions for Mac without ssh/command line same process could be applied to Windows with WinSCP and notepad (or notepad++ if you like a decent text editor)

If you're a Linux (Ubuntu but applies to any gnome desktop and possibly kde) user and don't know how/want to use ssh in terminal then you can type this into the location bar into the file manager (nautilus) sftp://[email protected]/ replacing with the IP of your Apple TV 2, then simply navigate to /etc and find the hosts file and double click which should open it in "Text Editor", make the required changes as per below and click save.

Alternatively you can manually add the below lines to the /etc/hosts file using nano or vi appldnld.apple.com mesu.apple.com appldnld.apple.com.edgesuite.net

Or as outlined by other members you can install a package called updatebegone which does the same as the above, however some report that this doesn't solve the update notice.
apt-get install com.nito.updatebegone

See jd2157/galvanash's notes about updating before installing updatebegone.

If you have already updated to 4.3 you may be able to get your 4.2.1 shsh blobs and downgrade back to 4.2.1, search google for "Tinyumbrella"
I was wondering why XBMC would crash at seemingly regular intervals, despite watching videos that I had previously watched without issue.

The ATV2 checking for updates was evidently the problem, thanks bircoe for this fix, it worked perfectly!
You're welcome...

And just for your info, XBMC is not crashing, Apple iOS is sending a kill signal to the XBMC process, I bet the same would happen no matter which app you were running.

I guess Apple really want people to see their update notice.
My XBMC still regulary hangs. That didn't happen before the new update came out, and I haven't installed it. After adding the above hosts to the hostfile, I pinged them and they all came back to Anybody have any hints or ideas?
I have 3 Apple TV 2's on my network (2 in my house and 1 in the unit that my brother lives in) and none of them "crash" during playback, all of them have the above entries added to the host file, 1 of them was updated after 4.3 came out and it still doesn't "crash".

Check your logs...
lukenukem Wrote:My XBMC still regulary hangs. That didn't happen before the new update came out, and I haven't installed it. After adding the above hosts to the hostfile, I pinged them and they all came back to Anybody have any hints or ideas?

I would recommend:

1. update nitotv (don't know if this matters for this particular issue, but the latest update is pretty significant and should be applied regardless).
2. reboot ATV completely (using option in nitotv)

I had similar issues until I did the above.
Thank you very much for your help Bircoe!

I took the easy solution and installed the package called updatebegone.

apt-get install com.nito.updatebegone

It worked after I disconnected the power for Apple TV and restarted.
This Terminal fix (OSX) worked for me. Updatebegone worked only one day then it failed.
Thanks Bircoe!
galvanash Wrote:I would recommend:

1. update nitotv (don't know if this matters for this particular issue, but the latest update is pretty significant and should be applied regardless).
2. reboot ATV completely (using option in nitotv)

I had similar issues until I did the above.

I don't have NitoTV installed at all at the moment. Would you still recommend installing its newest version?
Hi Guys,

Ive tried most of the things on this forum to no avail.

Ive got XBMC running on my ATV2

I thought my problem was the large 720p mvk files but I turned subtitles off and everything seemed ok, until the crashing continued.

I have now installed updatebegone and restarted via nitro TV. This was ok for one night but next day crashed out

I have used ssh via my pc to upload a skin which was great, but I have no idea how to add the script into my ATV2

Can anyone provide simple steps to resolve this crashing issue, looking forward to watching some new movies! Smile:confused2:
Activateav Wrote:Hi Guys,

Ive tried most of the things on this forum to no avail.

Ive got XBMC running on my ATV2

I thought my problem was the large 720p mvk files but I turned subtitles off and everything seemed ok, until the crashing continued.

I have now installed updatebegone and restarted via nitro TV. This was ok for one night but next day crashed out

I have used ssh via my pc to upload a skin which was great, but I have no idea how to add the script into my ATV2

Can anyone provide simple steps to resolve this crashing issue, looking forward to watching some new movies! Smile:confused2:

Check the first post, it's all there.
I have looked at copy and pasting the code but I have no idea where to do this??

I am using filezilla to ssh could this be the reason?

I think some users on here really need to understand what's easy for some folk ain't easy for others?

Help still needed
curious, after doing the ssh fix, can the update still be installed, if you'd like? or does it totally disable updates?
Activateav Wrote:I have looked at copy and pasting the code but I have no idea where to do this??

I am using filezilla to ssh could this be the reason?

I think some users on here really need to understand what's easy for some folk ain't easy for others?

Help still needed

Use putty. Its a free program.
When you start putty a screen will pop up....put in the ip address of the atv2 and hit ok.
A command line screen will come up.

type root then hit enter
type alpine then hit enter
then paste the commands from the first post one at a time

Thanks dtviewer,,

I have just followed your steps and will test shortly.

Much apreciated Wink
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[AppleTV2] HOW TO Stop ATV2 from checking for updates and CRASHING0
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