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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
pkscuot Wrote:Have you tried bradvido88's other tool for SAGETV integration? If you can setup XBMC.MyLibrary then the SAGETV integration will be a snap. I've been using it since I setup XBMC and it works really well.

Symlinks don't work so well (at least that I have found...) on an ATV1...

I have the original script working on PC's, but not on the ATV... I was hoping this might work.
Just a quick bug post... but it may be me as well.

In attempting to add the local media on my drive through playon [My Media (Beta)], the script does not recurse...

It sees the search filter as "My" and does not follow through on the path...

I know that makes no sense, but in short, if the source is a single word in the config.xml, then all is good... Moving to multiword sources is a no go. Since "My Media (Beat) is the hardcoded pathname in PlayOn, it is no accessible.

JasonMeudt Wrote:Just a quick bug post... but it may be me as well.

In attempting to add the local media on my drive through playon [My Media (Beta)], the script does not recurse...

It sees the search filter as "My" and does not follow through on the path...

I know that makes no sense, but in short, if the source is a single word in the config.xml, then all is good... Moving to multiword sources is a no go. Since "My Media (Beat) is the hardcoded pathname in PlayOn, it is no accessible.

That's got to be something with your config. I use multi-word sources all the time.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
I have ran into a problem with name detection for Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: Voyager. It seems that during scan it will find the shows in my Netflix instant queue but then lump then both into the same folder called Star.Trek. Is there any way to override how the program detects a name?

[CODE]10/06/2011 03:21:49 PM INFO Archive:New Archived video at: X:\Streaming\TV Shows\Star.Trek\Season.2\S02E01 - The 37's.mpg (Netflix/Instant Queue/Alphabetical/S/Star Trek: Voyager/Season 2/01: The 37's#

10/06/2011 03:21:46 PM INFO Archive:New Archived video at: X:\Streaming\TV Shows\Star.Trek\Season.1\S01E01 - Broken Bow Part 1 & 2.mpg #Netflix/Instant Queue/Alphabetical/S/Star Trek: Enterprise/Season 1/01: Broken Bow: Part 1 & 2)

The detection problem happens even if I remove one show and only have one Star Trek show on my queue.

Sorry, not paste of the long as pastebin is down right now. Unless you really want me to paste the log here just it will be big.
ThermoDust Wrote:I have ran into a problem with name detection for Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: Voyager. It seems that during scan it will find the shows in my Netflix instant queue but then lump then both into the same folder called Star.Trek. Is there any way to override how the program detects a name?

[CODE]10/06/2011 03:21:49 PM INFO Archive:New Archived video at: X:\Streaming\TV Shows\Star.Trek\Season.2\S02E01 - The 37's.mpg (Netflix/Instant Queue/Alphabetical/S/Star Trek: Voyager/Season 2/01: The 37's#

10/06/2011 03:21:46 PM INFO Archive:New Archived video at: X:\Streaming\TV Shows\Star.Trek\Season.1\S01E01 - Broken Bow Part 1 & 2.mpg #Netflix/Instant Queue/Alphabetical/S/Star Trek: Enterprise/Season 1/01: Broken Bow: Part 1 & 2)

The detection problem happens even if I remove one show and only have one Star Trek show on my queue.

Sorry, not paste of the long as pastebin is down right now. Unless you really want me to paste the log here just it will be big.
Right now, that colon in the name is throwing off the custom netflix parser. The code needs to be tweaked to either handle this correctly or allow you to manually over-ride the name.
Neither of these is possible currently, but I would gladly implement any patches that are submitted to the googlecode project.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
dukevim Wrote:Will XBMC.MyLibrary work with the Free Cable plugin?
I know the question is old, but here's what I used:
<FreeCable path="plugin://plugin.video.free.cable" recursive="true" regex_name="true" >
        <subfolder name="ABC/Body of Proof" max_series="10" type="episodes" suffix=" (Free Cable)"  />
    <subfolder name="ABC/Once Upon a Time" max_series="10" type="episodes" suffix=" (Free Cable)"  />
akuiraz Wrote:Now that the projects source is available, has anyone made any fixes / improvements? Possibly an update for the JSON-RPC commands to support the latest NIGHTLY's?

I'd be interested in this to as all my boxes (and ATV2) are on nightlies and used a shared library.
If I read the Google SVN correctly, someone checked out the code back in August. Who was this, and were any changes made?
This is a great program, I hope it is still being maintained. I've got some things to work, but this has me stumped. I want to add Ally McBeal from Amazon Prime through PlayOn. Each season is listed separately, so the folder is Ally.McBeal.Season.1. It looks for this on TheTVDB, but cannot find it.

Maybe a solution would be to add a tvdbid attribute for the subfolder tag. tvdbid="72116" would tell it to use that series regardless of the path name. It could then use TheTVDB series name for the folder so XBMC would be able scrape it, too.

Would that work? Is there another way to do this?

jcato Wrote:This is a great program, I hope it is still being maintained. I've got some things to work, but this has me stumped. I want to add Ally McBeal from Amazon Prime through PlayOn. Each season is listed separately, so the folder is Ally.McBeal.Season.1. It looks for this on TheTVDB, but cannot find it.

I like the idea of adding the tvdbid to the XML config, but in the meantime there is a work around. I was adding Nikita from the CW web site via FreeCable. The problem there was the root folder was named "Full Episodes." What I did was added a tvshow.nfo file that only has the URL to the correct show page on thetvdb.com. With that the XBMC scrapper finds the show and imports the episodes and then XBMC.MyLibrary can finish up what it needs to do.

That should work in your case as well. You just have to add that tvshow.nfo file to each season directory of Ally McBeal. As long as the episodes are named according to normal XBMC conventions you should end up with all the shows in one Ally McBeal container in your library.

Hope that helps.
Thanks, pkscuot, that helps XBMC scan in the show, but the episodes from MyLibrary are not correct. When it reads the episodes, it searches TheTVDB for "Ally.McBeal.Season.1" and doesn't find it. So, all the episodes are put into Season 0. XBMC only scans in the first episode because that's all there is for Season 0 on TheTVDB. MyLibrary needs to know that "Ally.McBeal.Season.1" equals "Ally.McBeal", hence the need for the series id attribute.

I've got this to work by using the Amazon add-on instead of using PlayOn. In the add-on, all the seasons are listed under the "Ally McBeal" directory. This won't work for some other shows, though, because they are in HD and have " [HD]" at the end of their name. So, I'll have the same problem again.

There are a couple of drawbacks it this, though. When MyLibrary runs, it causes the amazon add-on to pop up a dialog box saying it is reading the directories. And when I try to watch a show, it takes a just under 2 minutes for playback to start. Just long enough for you think it's not working.
Thumbs Up 
For those interested, I'm starting to make the needed modifications to this program for Eden compatibility.

So far I've seen some good results. I'm not planning on adding any new features (right now); I'm just updating the interface so it will work with Eden the way it works with Dharma right now...

PS. The interface seems much faster as well.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Nice going!

I personally hate having to go into the actual Videos menu without Library mode. I also hate having things where they don't belong (TV shows under Videos > Addons > UZG). A while ago I hacked together a script that handled this for me, much like you did here. This however had to circumvent a security mechanism which works with tokens for watching video's. I posted it onto the forums but no one jumped on it back then (most likely because of zero documentation available). Maybe you can find a use of my code, albeit inspiration for features or a way to hack things Smile


Edit: Crap. Zippyshare removed it, I'll upload it again when I get home.
bradvido88 Wrote:For those interested, I'm starting to make the needed modifications to this program for Eden compatibility.

So far I've seen some good results. I'm not planning on adding any new features (right now); I'm just updating the interface so it will work with Eden the way it works with Dharma right now...

PS. The interface seems much faster as well.

Any news on the update for Eden? Crystalbuntu updated their XBMC build to Eden and now it appears that your script is not compatible...

JasonMeudt Wrote:Any news on the update for Eden? Crystalbuntu updated their XBMC build to Eden and now it appears that your script is not compatible...

Yeah i've got it working. I just need to put the finishing touches on. I was hoping to test it against eden-b1 when it comes out, but we'll see.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
bradvido88 Wrote:Yeah i've got it working. I just need to put the finishing touches on. I was hoping to test it against eden-b1 when it comes out, but we'll see.

Are you going to post it here or on the googlecode site?
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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