Aenima99x Wrote:Bradvido - Any update on this? I'd love to get this fixed so I can kill the WinXP VM and just run it straight from my Ubuntu box. Thanks!
Yes, this should be working on all OS's now.
Run this command on your OS to run it:
java -jar "path/to/XBMC.MyLibrary.jar" "path/to/XBMC.MyLibrary folder"
actapon Wrote:I recently made a change to my system so that my database was moved to mysql and all my video sources were accessible over upnp or smb shares.
To transition mylibrary, i cleared out the old video sources in xbmc related to my library, deleted the strm files, and purged the cache db files used by mylibrary. I also updated mylibrary's config file to use unc instead.
But... the update meta data part of the script is failing: "SKIPPING meta-data update: the video is not yet in XBMC's library"
I can see in your source that you're substituting the unc paths with smb paths for xbmc's database, so i was puzzled. I was staring at the values in xbmc's episode information and my library's log to find the problem, but didn't see it. When i opened the mysql db, i saw it right away (i think). My smb path in xbmc appears to be holding my un and pw in clear text after the smb:\\.
first - i'm not happy my pw is in clear text there - not the problem of this forum though.
Second - how can i get the meta data to update my db entries when my smb path contains a username and password?
Yeah I knew that XBMC did that, but I didn't handle it in my code.
I can create a fix to allow any wildcard where the un/pw would be.
Otherwise, i'd suggest you configure it so you don't need to store the un/pw in XBMC:
either run XBMC under a user account that already has access to the SMB share
...or configure the share the allow read access to everyone
then delete the un/pw from XBMC's source for that share.
Otherwise you can wait until i get a fix patched for it or submit one yourself.
nocut12 Wrote:Is there a way to rename movies/TV shows automatically with this? I don't see a way to do it in the search filters.
I'm looking to append dates to certain movies and TV shows so that the scraper will recognize it correctly. Doing it manually is works, but it's a huge pain and each time I run this program it messes up renamed shows.
No, that's not really what this program is for.
ginsengbomb Wrote:Has anybody messed around with getting this to work on OS X? I just took an initial stab, played around for 45 minutes or so, and didn't get terribly far. I'm going to have another go at it later tonight but was wondering if anybody else has tried and has some pointers.
Yes, it should work just the same as Windows and *nix. See above.
kfred Wrote:Ginsengbomb, I'm curious about the same thing! I only spent about 5 minutes on it, after realizing that I couldn't edit the .cmd file without cmd.exe. Please, anyone, if you have any input for ginseng and me to get started working on a mac setup, let us know!
The cmd file is supplied just for an example. You don't need to use it, just run the java command i mentioned above.