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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
So I managed to get Playon working with XBMC but now I have a weird quirk.

All the shows are downloaded directly into season folders but are not separated into the title names.

For example, That 70's show and 24 are all downloaded but they share season folders at the root of the TV show directory that this program uses. Why are they not being separated into the title names?

My Config.xml: http://pastebin.com/P6q5Ubb0

My Log: http://pastebin.com/eZ6Z3KpK
(Log level: INFO)

Any help would be great. I would appreciate a push in the right direction if nothing else!

(2012-05-15, 19:57)hdemel Wrote: So I managed to get Playon working with XBMC but now I have a weird quirk.

All the shows are downloaded directly into season folders but are not separated into the title names.

For example, That 70's show and 24 are all downloaded but they share season folders at the root of the TV show directory that this program uses. Why are they not being separated into the title names?

My Config.xml: http://pastebin.com/P6q5Ubb0

My Log: http://pastebin.com/eZ6Z3KpK
(Log level: INFO)

Any help would be great. I would appreciate a push in the right direction if nothing else!


I am having a similar issue, and the issue seems to have started with the most recent update to the playon software itself, although I can't claim that that is anything more than a coincidence. I believe this issue is confined to using netflix through playon.
(2012-05-16, 02:29)jmuck78 Wrote: I am having a similar issue, and the issue seems to have started with the most recent update to the playon software itself, although I can't claim that that is anything more than a coincidence. I believe this issue is confined to using netflix through playon.

I have only ever used this version of Playon so I wouldn't have noticed, but I'll try see if I can install the older version and check.

EDIT: I wasn't able to find an older version but I tested it with National Geographic (through Playon) and that worked fine. I'll keep trying.
2nd EDIT: I tried mapping the Config.xml directly to the show folders but it still places the episodes into season folders instead of show folders. The log shows that the script was unable to find season info for the shows. Here is another log: http://pastebin.com/TGSMNNEZ
(2012-05-16, 18:28)hdemel Wrote:
(2012-05-16, 02:29)jmuck78 Wrote: I am having a similar issue, and the issue seems to have started with the most recent update to the playon software itself, although I can't claim that that is anything more than a coincidence. I believe this issue is confined to using netflix through playon.

I have only ever used this version of Playon so I wouldn't have noticed, but I'll try see if I can install the older version and check.

EDIT: I wasn't able to find an older version but I tested it with National Geographic (through Playon) and that worked fine. I'll keep trying.
2nd EDIT: I tried mapping the Config.xml directly to the show folders but it still places the episodes into season folders instead of show folders. The log shows that the script was unable to find season info for the shows. Here is another log: http://pastebin.com/TGSMNNEZ

This is the same problem I've had with some shows and it has nothing to do with the PlayOn version as I've gone through about 10 of them. Some shows never get their title determined from the path but instead the title of the show is considered to be "1", "Season.1", "Volume.1", "26-50", etc. I have found no work around for this which is why I hope to tackle the code later this summer.
I have had to make some changes for the most recent version of playon to handle netflix properly. If you are experiencing issues w/ playon and netflix, try replacing your current .jar with this one (backup first Smile


Everything is smooth for me using this latest patch. I'll update the SVN sometime soon.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2012-05-17, 21:21)bradvido88 Wrote: I have had to make some changes for the most recent version of playon to handle netflix properly. If you are experiencing issues w/ playon and netflix, try replacing your current .jar with this one (backup first Smile


Everything is smooth for me using this latest patch. I'll update the SVN sometime soon.

Thanks for the update, Brad. The update seemed to fix 99% of the problem. I noticed that the show '24' is now misbehaving in a different way, likely caused by the fact that the show title is also a number. When I try to scan '24' into the library, xbmc.mylibrary creates 24 "shows" labeled 1-24 (corresponding to the numbering of each episode within a season), each "show" has 7 or 8 seasons, each with one episode (the same ordered episode corresponding to the "show" number). Looks like it might be a by-product of the solution to the original netflix/playon problem.

Thanks for fixing this so quickly!
(2012-05-17, 21:21)bradvido88 Wrote: I have had to make some changes for the most recent version of playon to handle netflix properly. If you are experiencing issues w/ playon and netflix, try replacing your current .jar with this one (backup first Smile


Everything is smooth for me using this latest patch. I'll update the SVN sometime soon.

Thank you so much for the quick fix! Unfortunately the script seems to hang for me at this point:

Quote:05/18/2012 01:40:23 PM INFO Search:Netflix Found 0 videos that are already archived in dropbox from source "Netflix"
05/18/2012 01:40:23 PM NOTICE Search:Netflix Finding all matching videos under subfolder: Netflix/Instant Queue/Alphabetical

I've let it sit for up to a half hour but it doesn't move past this point. Did I copy the patch incorrectly? I placed it in the "dist" folder.


PS. Here is my current log: http://pastebin.com/YsUJd2qr
Hi i know im asking to be taking by the hand here but i just cant seem to wrap my head around the search filters. All i really want is my hulu subscription and my netflix que to show up in my tv shows and maybe the top 25 movies from each to show up in my movies. I use the blucop hulu , and xbmcflixs plugings if someone could write my example search filters i would be forever in debt. Also does anyone have this working with the navi-x plugin if i could get this to work with my favorites from navi-x that would be the greatest thing ever. thanks again in advance
(2011-05-22, 19:37)bradvido88 Wrote:
Adam B. Wrote:Is there any way you can make this use relative paths so that it can be cross platform and not rely on hard coded c:\etc?

This would be great if I could run it on my Linux based XBMC.
Yes, that is on my list of TODOs. It's a pretty easy change, but no guarantees as to when i'll get to it. I may work on releasing the entire codebase first so you guys can make the changes.
Also, note that there is no reason this program has to run on your XBMC box; it can be run on a windows box that has access to XBMC over the network.

I've done some work to make this more Linux friendly. Specifically I wanted to be able to use the Meta-data suffix and prefix functionality with didn't work because of local addresses used in creating the streaming files and samba share addresses stored in the XBMC database. What I've done is implemented a new option in the Config.xml that lets you specify an samba prefix to be added to the front of the local file address when writing meta-data.

I was unsure how to contribute to the code base so I opened a new issue and included my diff file that adds these features.

Completely Unrelated Episode Numbers Issue:

I find that episodes of "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" when pulled in from Bluecop's Plugin never get canned to the Library. it seems this is because the Hulu season and episode numbers are very different from those on thetvdb.com.

For instance: Friday's episode is listed as S02E644 on Hulu, but thetvdb.com lists it as S2012E84. I know this isn't a problem with XBMC.Mylibrary, but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can sort this out programmatically?

(2012-05-28, 23:31)barney_1 Wrote: but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can sort this out programmatically?

I used a dirty little hack to take care of this. I suppose it could be abstracted and mapped to the xml file to rewrite episode numbers but I'm not sure there's any use in that. Diff file attached for anyone interested (this should not be added to the repo).

Index: Archiver.java
--- Archiver.java    (revision 8)
+++ Archiver.java    (working copy)
@@ -748,7 +748,21 @@
             Matcher m = p.matcher(video.getFileLabel());
-                String match = m.group();                
+                String match = m.group();
+                //Jimmy Fallon episode number hack
+                if (video.getFileLabel().startsWith("Late Night with Jimmy Fallon"))
+                {
+                    log(DEBUG, "This is a Jimmy Fallon Episode: Trying to sort out episode numbers");
+                    log(DEBUG, "m.group() = " + m.group());
+                    String[] oldEpNum = m.group().split("x");
+                    Integer epNum = Integer.parseInt(oldEpNum[1]);
+                    if (epNum < 562) return match; //Probably a correct ep num... abort!
+                    String fixedEpInfo = "2012x" + String.valueOf(epNum-561);
+                    log(DEBUG, "New match value: " + fixedEpInfo);
+                    return fixedEpInfo;
+                }
                 return match;
Nice work barney. I'll take a look at the diff
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
I have been trying to use this program with the Free Cable addon and it works perfectly for the majority of the content, but i have found a couple easily fixable problems and one not-so-easily fixable problem.

I don't know java or any real programming languages but from what i can tell in archiver.java line 945...

skipFolders.add("(Full Episodes|Episodes|Clips|Seasons)");//literal skips

ignores folders with those names in the path when trying to find the series name and for a couple networks under Free Cable the videos are found under a /Videos/ folder and my.library tries to name all the shows Videos. And for whatever reason everything under The CW network is in a folder called "Full Episodes " (with a space at the end) and my.library doesn't catch that exception. So for these i believe you could just add "Videos" and "Full Episodes " to the skipFolders.add thing, right?

This would fix a lot of erroneous show names for Free Cable but not all of them, and the only all-around fix i could think of would be to add a series="" parameter for <subfolder> in the xml file and have people specify the show name. Would this be possible to implement and would you do it if so?
I've been using this script for a while now and absolutely love it! It's made my transition to XBMC and away from my cable company much easier to tolerate on the wife front.
I do have one minor, but annoying issue that I hope there is a fix for or it's just something I'm doing wrong. When the update runs some of the tv show episodes from Hulu+ and FreeCable end up marked as unwatched even though they've been watched and marked as such. Is there something that I can do to eliminate this?

(2012-06-30, 19:35)TheCasa Wrote: I've been using this script for a while now and absolutely love it! It's made my transition to XBMC and away from my cable company much easier to tolerate on the wife front.
I do have one minor, but annoying issue that I hope there is a fix for or it's just something I'm doing wrong. When the update runs some of the tv show episodes from Hulu+ and FreeCable end up marked as unwatched even though they've been watched and marked as such. Is there something that I can do to eliminate this?


Are you using the latest version? The watched status don't get wiped when mine updates. As long as the file name doesnt change, XBMC should keep the watched status.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
(2011-05-17, 02:05)bradvido88 Wrote:
ThermoDust Wrote:Is there best practice on how to have the script run to check for new content?

This is some of my XBMC launch code that I am running when my computer starts to load XBMC and the MyLibrary script. As you can see I have it on a loop so that the script checks for new content every 20 min(Normal will be 2 hours). However unless I close XBMC and reload my launch code it doesn't seem to find any new content.

echo Starting XBMC MyLibrary Refresh.
start /wait /min "XBMC MyLibrary" "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Users\LivingRoom\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\MyLibrary\dist\XBMC.MyLibrary.jar"
echo MyLibrary update complete.
echo Waiting 20 minutes to run MyLibrary again.
choice /d y /t 1200 > nul
Also here is the log file http://thermodust.com/XBMC.MyLibrary.2011-05-16.log - Sorry can't post to PasteBin as the log file was to big or something as IE and Firefox said the page stopped working.

The log shows it running and checking for almost 9 hours and it never found the new content till I quit the XBMCLoader(my batch file) and reloaded it so it ran the MyLibrary again.
From the log, it looks like it's running every 20 minutes as you want. You can probably turn of DEBUG level logging, it's not needed unless we're doing some really detailed debugging. INFO should be fine.
Personally, I run mine on a scheduled task every 1 hour.

What problems are you having with it updating content?


bradvido can you please elaborate on what script you run in schedualed task, because if I run this Run-x64, I will get following error:

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -jar "dist\X
Unable to access jarfile dist\XBMC.MyLibrary.jar

What magic do you do?
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