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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
I still cannot get the Hulu shows to work, it's due to incorrect subfolder. Does anyone know the correct subfolder directory to find the Daily show?
Try running the Hulu plugin and taking a look.
Integrating with XBMC through the JSON-RPC interface?

Try the JSON-RPC Browser

(2012-09-06, 22:53)kerpal2020 Wrote: I still cannot get the Hulu shows to work, it's due to incorrect subfolder. Does anyone know the correct subfolder directory to find the Daily show?
Are you not getting all the episodes you want using Hulu Library auto update?
I was able to get it working now. I had to create an account on Hulu to use the subscriptions method. I just could not get the subfolders option to work any other way. Here is how it is in the config.xml, but it seems to work now.

PHP Code:
<Hulu path="plugin://plugin.video.hulu" recursive="true" regex_name="true" prefix=" (Hulu)" >                                                
Full Episodes fron the top 10 popular shows in Hulu -->
subfolder name="Subscriptions" type="episodes" >
contains>previous page</contains>                    
contains>next page</contains>            
Any ETA on when this will be Frodo compatible?
i am getting tons of errors.

some are :

09/15/2012 11:49:30 AM ERROR TVDB Failed to get episode information from the TVDB for FreeCable/ABC/The Chew/Recipes/Carla and Clinton's Chili Hand Pie!, URL = http://www.thetvdb.com/api/XXXXXXXXXX7A1...all/en.xml
at utilities.TVDB.lookupTVShow(TVDB.java:137)
at utilities.Archiver.addTVMetaData(Archiver.java:813)
at utilities.Archiver.defaultParse(Archiver.java:455)
at utilities.Archiver.addMetadata(Archiver.java:399)
at utilities.Archiver.archiveVideo(Archiver.java:197)
at utilities.Archiver.run(Archiver.java:115)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

none of the files have tvdb info in them.
all the files are S21E18 - title.strm for example

i have a few documentary shows that crashes the xbmc all together.

need help please

I am trying to get this working smoothly on my Apple TV 2. I thought I had to have this running on the same box as XBMC so I set up XBMC on the box I use to run my file server. This caused a great deal of issues trying to match up local and smb addresses. While searching this thread for help I stumbled on the thread saying that this can be run any box so long as it is on the network with my Apple TV.

How would I go about setting it up that way? I don't see much documentation on that. Seems like I should have to point to the address of my Apple TV or something.

As a matter of clarity, here is my setup (before I installed XBMC on Laptop 1):

Laptop #1: Windows 7, running MySQL, attached USB drive containing media, NO XBMC, always on
Laptop #2: Windows 7, running XBMC Eden
Apple TV 2: running XBMC Eden, always on

Thanks for the help for a great tool
(2012-09-20, 14:38)VMCosco Wrote: I am trying to get this working smoothly on my Apple TV 2. I thought I had to have this running on the same box as XBMC so I set up XBMC on the box I use to run my file server. This caused a great deal of issues trying to match up local and smb addresses. While searching this thread for help I stumbled on the thread saying that this can be run any box so long as it is on the network with my Apple TV.

How would I go about setting it up that way? I don't see much documentation on that. Seems like I should have to point to the address of my Apple TV or something.

As a matter of clarity, here is my setup (before I installed XBMC on Laptop 1):

Laptop #1: Windows 7, running MySQL, attached USB drive containing media, NO XBMC, always on
Laptop #2: Windows 7, running XBMC Eden
Apple TV 2: running XBMC Eden, always on

Thanks for the help for a great tool

OK. I got this figured out. Realized I had to change the JSONRPC host. One more question thought:

I was able to get it working by entering the IP of the Apple TV. I would rather use the hostname than the IP. I tried Apple-TV.local which is my hostname but that would not work. Any ideas?
(2012-09-15, 10:51)EZ1976 Wrote: hi
i am getting tons of errors.

some are :

09/15/2012 11:49:30 AM ERROR TVDB Failed to get episode information from the TVDB for FreeCable/ABC/The Chew/Recipes/Carla and Clinton's Chili Hand Pie!, URL = http://www.thetvdb.com/api/XXXXXXXXXX7A1...all/en.xml
at utilities.TVDB.lookupTVShow(TVDB.java:137)
at utilities.Archiver.addTVMetaData(Archiver.java:813)
at utilities.Archiver.defaultParse(Archiver.java:455)
at utilities.Archiver.addMetadata(Archiver.java:399)
at utilities.Archiver.archiveVideo(Archiver.java:197)
at utilities.Archiver.run(Archiver.java:115)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

none of the files have tvdb info in them.
all the files are S21E18 - title.strm for example

i have a few documentary shows that crashes the xbmc all together.

need help please

got it fixed.
the problem is that i moved to mysql. had to delete the existing strm files and do a database cleanup from within xbmc
any new updates about non english characters support?

Has anyone had any luck with Project Free TV?

The issue I seem to be having is that the structure of the content is [Show Title]/Season [Season #]/[Episode #]. Is there a way to use regex to parse this in the config file?
Im experiencing low quality and the fact that audio is delayed. Does anyone experience this with hulu as well?
(2012-10-07, 15:13)dordar Wrote: Im experiencing low quality and the fact that audio is delayed. Does anyone experience this with hulu as well?

This would have nothing to do with mylibrary
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
I have an problem. I stopped using this software for about two weeks because XBMCflicks had some problems due to Netflix changing the way they hosted the API among other things. Once I got XBMCflicks up and running, I was excited to start using this software again. The first time I used it everything went great for the most part. But now when I run the Run.x64.cmd, I get the following log:

10/08/2012 10:38:44 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\Vail\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.3.3\res\ArchivedFiles.db
10/08/2012 10:38:45 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\Vail\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.3.3\res\QueuedMetaDataChanges.db
10/08/2012 10:38:45 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\Vail\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.3.3\res\scraper.db
10/08/2012 10:38:47 AM ERROR Search:Hulu Since no files were successfully archived in this subfolder, assuming an error occured. This will prevent the dropbox from being cleaned for files from this source

and then it ends the process. Due to this everything has been removed for my drop box. It does the same thing for all my search filters e.g. if I remove all other search filters except Netflix and run it the same thing happens except the error will read "Search:Netflix." I would have liked to have provided more information, but this is all that I have. Any information on this error would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
I tried setting this up on my parent's pc to write the strm files to a local drive(no nas drive available), and it failed to create any files. The plugin is being scraped, and there are no errors, so I was wondering if I don't have the dropbox location in the correct format. I used : C:\Users\Public\etc.. just as it appears in windows. Is this the correct format? I know it is recommended to write to a network drive, but doesn't say it can't be done locally. If it can't be done locally I guess I could set up a google drive account and do it that way.
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