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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2013-05-08, 02:06)spyder Wrote: I decided to give this a try to see if I could help. First off, are you getting errors when trying to run this, you have some typos in your xml code. Path should be:

<YouTube path="plugin://plugin.video.youtube" recursive="true" > (notice the double //) also your subfolder should only have (/) to separate folders.

Also I tried scraping a folder in My Subscriptions and got a 'couldn't find folder' error(everything was correct), I then tried scraping the "New Subscription Videos" folder and that worked.

Thank you that worked. I tried several things and seems like I lost track of what and where I was changing. That is why I wanted a second set of eyes. All is good now.

Thanks agains
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bradvido88: Would you consider adding an option to name the folders the strm's are being placed in. This could be useful for marking sources such as "web" for skins that support source cases.

edit: nevermind again, figured it out.
I'm afraid author doesn't respond. It's pity because sources doesn't compile so it's impossible to add or fix anything.
Is there a way to escape "/" that may be in the subfolder name? Also, is there a way to specify the folder structure that strms get placed in, so that movies and music videos are filed in their own individual folders?
(2013-05-14, 12:27)redhalo Wrote: Is there a way to escape "/" that may be in the subfolder name?

From the sample config file
Note: The '/' character is used exclusively to seperate folders. It cannot otherwise be used in the name attribute (there is currently no way to escape it)

Quote:Also, is there a way to specify the folder structure that strms get placed in, so that movies and music videos are filed in their own individual folders?
No, it will make a folder for movies and a folder for music videos, you cant change anything about the path inside those folders.

Can someone take a look at this and tell me what is wrong with my regex that is making it parse the name this way?
DEBUG   Archiving        Next: FreeCable/All Shows/Armageddon/2012/2012: The Masons
DEBUG   Archiving        Attempting default parsing of TV Show...
DEBUG   Archiving        Found custom series and title parser.
DEBUG   Archiving        Custom series and title parser regex: .*/All Shows/([^/]*)/.*/([^/]*$)
DEBUG   Archiving        Found series "2012", and title "The Masons", from file label "2012: The Masons". Will use this info to look up on the TVDB.com

It should take whatever string is after "All Shows/" and doesnt contain a "/" as the show name, then whatever string trails after the last "/" as the episode title.
Any assistance would be very much appreciated. I am receiving this "JSON Returned was not valid." I am not new to programming, but I am new to xml's.

This is my error log http://pastebin.com/u6A19HKn
This is my xml doc http://pastebin.com/uiL9JEKp

I should also say, I have everything set to allow inside of XBMC. I also tried changing JSONRPC to "RAW" instead of HTTP but it didn't work. I received the same error message.

One last thing. I also went into the Windows firewall and manually opened up ports 8080, 9090, and 80 while I was doing the troubleshooting.

Again any help is very much appreciated.

Quote: -Requires going to Settings, Network, Services, and checking "Allow control of XBMC via HTTP" and setting the Port/Username/Password you desire.

Did you do this part?

By chance are you running skype on the computer you ran this tool from? The last time i tried it having skype running prevented the xbmc webserver from starting, i think it uses the same port for something else.
I ended up figuring it out. I didn't have the WebServer listed properly.

Thank you for helping.

Now I just have to figure out how to index all the things I want...HBO Go, (maybe 1Channel) all the major news stations.
(2013-05-27, 04:51)wirsteve Wrote: I ended up figuring it out. I didn't have the WebServer listed properly.

Thank you for helping.

Now I just have to figure out how to index all the things I want...HBO Go, (maybe 1Channel) all the major news stations.

1Channel has an export function, you do not need to use this tool to add content from 1Channel to your library.
(2013-04-18, 22:55)hellohello Wrote: @Loco
one workaround I found in dealing with the season issue is using force_series and force_tvdb with archiving set to true. what results is a 'zero' season but the episodes being presented in the correct order. so for example, in my case of The Amazing Race, I used the following:

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >

<!-- NETFLIX-->
<subfolder name="Netflix/Browse Genres/Comedies/Stand-up Comedy/" type="movies" recursive="true"  />

<!-- AMAZON -->    
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 17" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 18" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 19" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Amazon VOD/Prime Watchlist/TV/The Amazing Race, Season 20" force_series="The Amazing Race" force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />


In my configuration, it was better to define/name the PlayOn source simply "Playon" with all the other channels (Amazon VOD, Netflix, Hulu) being treated as subfolders. This is different than what others have suggested in this thread but my method allows for content besides Netflix to be scraped. The drawback of course is that this is sloppy and you don't get the correct plot information.

However, if you're using Hulu+, here's the necessary regex to grab what you want without putting it in your subscriptions (known as favorites on Hulu)

<Hulu path="plugin://plugin.video.hulu" recursive="true">            
<subfolder name="Subscriptions/The Amazing Race (HD)" type="episodes" recursive="true" >
    <regexp>/Episode[s]? \([0-9]+\)/</regexp>                
<subfolder regex_name="true" name="TV/Channels \([0-9]+\)/- Science and Technology/Popular Titles \([0-9]+\)" type="episodes" recursive="true">
    <regexp>/Episode[s]? \([0-9]+\)/</regexp>                
    <regexp>/season[s]? \([0-9]+\)</regexp>                
     <contains>previous page</contains>                    
     <contains>next page</contains>            

NOTE: Although certain shows are HuluPlus, you can still use the examples above to scrape whatever is freely available

1. In the example provided with the latest version of My.Library, regex_name="true" is in the start of the plugin searchfilter (i.e. Hulu path="plugin://plugin.video.hulu"). Do not do this as it will break scraping HD episodes. This is also why it's missing from The Amazing Race entry.

2. However, if you want to capture all items within a particular "channel" (i.e. Genre) then you can use the second example ( "- Science and Technology").

Hope this helps.

I have the same problem too. Some of the subscriptions are not being scraped while others are. For example I have arrow and Nikita from CW while Nikita shows up Arrow does not. Any ideas on what might be causing it? Here is my hulu setup

        <Hulu path="plugin://plugin.video.hulu" recursive="true" regex_name="false" prefix="(H) " >

            <!--Full Episodes fron the top 10 popular shows in Hulu -->
            <subfolder name="Subscriptions"
                max_series="10" type="episodes" >
                    <regexp>/Episode[s]? \([0-9]+\)/</regexp>
                    <regexp>/season[s]? \([0-9]+\)</regexp>

                <contains>previous page</contains>
                <contains>next page</contains>
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Are you sure all the shows are formated correctly (s00e00) if not those shows needs its own configuration to handle non regex media
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Thank you @spanktastic2120 -- I have added that repo and am working on getting some videos in my library. It will have to wait until after work unfortunately.

I do have a question. Has anyone successfully gotten HBO Go into their library? Using this or any script? Sorry, still new at editing an xml file.
I've noticed some of my subscribed tv series from Hulu are stopping at 250 episodes. (and my XML files pointed to download all content recursively from subscriptions)

Like law and order for example, soon as it hit 250 episodes it stopped downloading any further into the season, or subsequent seasons

Anyone ran into this behavior? I can't for the life of me find anything in the XML file so I'm wondering if this is a xbmc setting I'm missing?
(2013-06-01, 09:04)cazten Wrote: I've noticed some of my subscribed tv series from Hulu are stopping at 250 episodes. (and my XML files pointed to download all content recursively from subscriptions)

Like law and order for example, soon as it hit 250 episodes it stopped downloading any further into the season, or subsequent seasons

Anyone ran into this behavior? I can't for the life of me find anything in the XML file so I'm wondering if this is a xbmc setting I'm missing?

You probably have the hulu plugin set to show 250 items per page and mylibrary is probably trying to add the "next page" item as an episode. The current version of the hulu addon has an export to library function though, you should just use that.
The export function on Hulu is much more accurate in naming episodes... The Autoupdate addon for Hulu is not working though.
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